The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
SOPHIE HOARE gets to the nub of the less overt elements of poverty around Cambridge. How much could you be doing to help?
The future of bops at Queens’ is on the line after vandalism of gyp rooms during Halloween.
Lily Cole joined Cambridge activists in yesterday’s protests, despite an “excessive” police presence.
Infamous Cantab Charlie Gilmour must serve the rest of his prison sentence after a judge ruled against his appeal yesterday.
A John’s student is must pay £3,800 compensation after fracturing another student’s pelvis in Cindies.
Men can boast about their sexual conquests without it tainting their reputation; why is it still not the same for women?
Members of CU Amnesty have taken to their encaging themselves on Kings Parade as part of their latest protest.
The future of Fez hangs in the balance as officials consider an application to turn the club into a restaurant and flats.
Cam FM’s new schedule launches with a broadcasting world record attempt.
Stephen Hawking has enhanced his legendary status – by attempting to stop hotel chain Hilton expanding on the Cambridge countryside.
Battleship Bob, Mr ASBO’s number one defender, has received a hefty fine for disrupting May Bumps.
Everyone’s favourite celebrity Cantab Lily Cole has managed to score a stunning double first in History of Art.
The Tab can confirm that Brian Blessed has accepted his nomination as Chancellor. As long as all nominations are sound, there WILL be a contest for the position next term.
A man was arrested on suspicion of burglary in Queens’ yesterday after students helped stop his daring escape.
Caius plan to demolish their existing boathouse and build a new one, after the building was declared structurally unsound.
Robinson post-graduate Christopher Bethnell has died after being hit by an open-topped tourist bus outside Queens.
Cambridge have knocked Oxford off the top spot in the latest university ranking tables to be published.
King’s student Lily Cole is set to appear in popular BBC show Doctor Who, as her acting career continues, though not all Who fans are impressed.
Cambridge romped to victory in the annual Goat Race on Saturday, remaining undefeated and proving their superiority over The Other Place.
CUSU are urgently rushing to save Cambridge bursaries, facing a race against time to drum up academic support.
Downing 2nd year Ashley Walsh is to stand for Labour for local election, in a ward that affects almost 10 colleges.
The University’s Psychology department are offering £80 to people who take cocaine as part of their research into addiction.
A report published on the University’s internal website has recommended charging students £9,000 a year tuition fees.
Hughes Hall, receive a heritage blue plaque this Saturday to honour their 125th anniversary, which the college will celebrate with a street party.
Cast and crew of new play ‘Pornography’ were surprised to find residents, including church staff, have been pulling down their posters.
Cambridge academics will take to the streets this Monday in a silent protest against government plans to slash uni budgets.
For the 6th year in a row, an emergency medical tent run by the Territorial Army was set up in Cambridge to deal with the New Year’s Eve casualties.
Cambridge Students were paid to take the drug Ketamine as part of a study carried out by the Psychiatry department.