
Organised Fun and Caesarian Sun

ALEX PORTER is baffled by the Cambridge social scene.

I Need LAD Culture Because…

Your favourite gentleman JOHNNIE WYVERN has something to say before this weekend’s Caesarian Sunday.

Colleges Warn: Don’t be Seen at Jesus Green

A number of college Deans have emailed undergraduates, urging them to steer clear of Caesarian Sunday.

Claudia Blunt: Week 8

CLAUDIA has nearly conquered Cambridge. Her final column offers a few words of advice for those still struggling to beat the Bubble!

Drinking Soc Secrets Revealed

Think all drinking society guys are wankers? Let’s dispel some myths.

Mahal and Me

As his bid to take over the Mahal tragically fails, SIMON BURDUS looks back on the glory days of our infamous restaurant.

Cambridge Lads Lacking in Lash

Cambridge has come 51st in a league table. Unsurprisingly, it’s not about academic performance.

Sidney Frowns Upon Gowns In Town

Sidney Freshers are being shown a video warning them of the dangers of wearing gowns and tuxes to clubs.

King’s Affair

EDWARD TAN is a little bummed-out by King’s Affair. It’s a bad case of the 3am ball blues.

Pembroke June Event

HARRY SHUKMAN is happy with Pembroke June Event, excluding the verbal abuse from the sexy Jägermeister mistresses.

Emma June Event

HARRY SHUKMAN feels the Emma June Event was a little bit lacking.

James Mitchell

Trouser bulges and ill-judged jokes. It’s JAMES MITCHELL in his new column.

Cam Jam: New Club Comes To Cambridge

The handful of Cambridge clubs is getting a new addition. Get ready for The Jam House in October.

Don’t Be Ashamed Of Caesarian Sunday

The infamous JOHNNIE WYVERN on why the party shouldn’t stop.

Cambridge Characters: The Bouncer

In an ongoing quest to discover the full human face of Cambridge, ROSIE HORE snuggles up to two of your favourite heavies.

Tab Tries: Whisky Tasting

HARRY SHUKMAN steps up in one of his toughest assignments yet to taste high-value whisky at the Union.

Tab Tries: Spring Break

ARON SOLOMONS beer bongs his way to the American vacation dream.

Si B Says Bye To Big Fish Ents

Nightlife icon and much-loved Cambridge personality Simon Burdus is leaving Cambridge for pastures new. Everybody’s sad.

The Bacchae

JUAN ZOBER DE FRANCISCO and ALICE CARR could have found better sex and booze elsewhere on a Tuesday night, to be honest.

Charlie Lyons Hits Big Time

Familiar Cantab Charlie Lyons has become huge and is now the star of car commercial.