The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
Ecosia turns your internet searches into trees
Police were called after she had an ‘out of character rage’ whilst on Xanax
The university also supports 5,180 jobs
You sent us your snowy snaps
Good luck trying to get money back for your missed hours
Please don’t ruin my degree
Support can make a huge difference
Oliver cut the ribbon this morning
Brighton’s answer to Diagon Alley
The champion of discount supermarkets
Where to get your wavy garms
Don’t get mugged off like we did
An anonymous tip-off was received at 4:30pm
Drag queens, gaudy tees, and plenty of glitter
He’ll be speaking at Unison’s conference
Puguccinos are on the house
Say goodbye to exams and hello to the start of summer
More time for procrastination
“I still don’t know how uni works”
The pawfect solution to deadline blues
Here’s what the supporters had to say
We might have forgotten about this
Some of the weird and wonderful things heard at the vegan festival this weekend
‘People take the time to chat to me, I mean really chat to me, for hours’
Phew, that was a close call
Baby you should go and love yourself
Where will we buy our knock-off food?
Takeaways. Takeaways everywhere.
I guess we both are now
A list of on-campus and off-campus services
The training will begin in January
Calm down with a canine companion
An extra hour to revise, or sleep?
No more Henry Westons for you
Ever wanted to vomit a rainbow?
The event was held to address rape culture
“Because we don’t deserve this.”
The protest was in response to the Higher Education Bill
Help Brighton Philanthropy give a care package to someone in need
Here’s a list of some great events this November
Seriously, just go to Bath
Eden Perfumes breaks the misconceptions of the dirty hippie
The Times have named us ‘best in the South-East’
Freshers can now meet people in their accommodation through ‘Raspberry flats’
‘It’s not even a real subject’
Don’t ask where I’m from unless you have an hour to kill