It’s official: Here’s six ways to tell if someone goes to the University of Nottingham or Trent
Trust me, you don’t want to get them mixed up
It’s no secret that come September students start piling back into their beloved Notts. The true question is what side of Nottingham they find themselves on. Do they bleed green and roll gold at UoN or are they more likely to be seen in the hot pink of NTU?
It’s a rivalry that is stronger than any other uni city so it’s an important skill to be able to tell who’s spending their time in George Green and who’s more at home in Boots. Well fear no more, because here is the ultimate guide on how to tell a UoN student from a Trent one.
1. Hide and seek
First thing’s first, where would you even spot these students? A true UoN student would only be seen in the city centre after a Crisis Wednesday or for a shopping trip to the Vic centre. Lenton is the place to be for anything or anyone UoN. Yes, there is a Sainsbury’s instead of a Waitrose, but most of the student budget is probably going on pints in Sheaves anyway. Their natural habitat is leafy campus or going for hot girl walks around Wollaton Park. Maybe the massive manor and deer remind them of home back in Surrey.
As for Trent students, no matter how hard you try there’s no avoiding them in the city centre. Your best chance of a Trent free morning in town is to go out at 9am on a Thursday morning when most of them are still drunk after Ocean Wednesday. No judgement though, we’ve all been there. If you’re feeling brave venture into the Arboretum and you’ll find yourself surrounded by NTU students
2. School uniform
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Secondary school might be over but there is still a compulsory uniform at university. Let’s face it, do you even go to UoN if you’re not a fake blonde or have an outrageous mullet? You’ll never see a Uni of student out in the rain because they don’t want to pull out the hood on their North Face jacket. Venture towards Cripps and the sight of Uggs, Longchamps and Toms Trunks is overwhelming. Bonus points if you’ve got a hideous “vintage” jumper that you claim you bought in a charity shop back home when in reality you paid £50 for it on Depop.
Trent is the home of anything Pretty Little Thing and Zara. If you want to get drunk fast, take a shot for every Molly Mae jacket you see around NTU campuses and you will be on the floor within five minutes. No Trent girl will go out if her Lost Mary isn’t matching her Oh Polly dress. I admire the commitment girlies.
3. Social media clues
If you look closely enough you will be able to tell how many houses your friend has from their insta. Chances are you’re looking at a Uni of student’s Instagram if there’s a ski trip photo or a highlight of them sipping prosecco in the BA business lounge on the way to Antigua. They also definitely have “UoN/Surrey” in their bio just in case you forgot they do in fact go to Uni of. But ask them where they’re from during freshers and they will claim to be from South West London.
Are you even a Trent student if you didn’t go on a lad’s holiday to Magaluf or Zante? Don’t worry if you didn’t go this time because there will be a round two next year. Watch out for the “Notts” bio. It might trick you into thinking they go to UoN, but it might as well be “NTU” written in bold and underlined twice.
4. Night out itinerary
If you don’t attend uni, stay as far away as possible from Nottingham city centre on Wednesday evenings. However, if you are a Notts student and fancy seeing the whole of BUCS on the balcony, Crisis is your scene. Beware of VK bottles being thrown at you from one of the rugby boys. No night would be complete without a trip to Mega Munch or getting shouted at by the security guard in Maccies.
It doesn’t matter where you’re from, everyone at home knows stories about the clubs in Nottingham. The infamous Ocean Wednesdays also happen to be where Trent has their student night. No slander though, Uni of students are partial to an Ocean Friday. Whether or not they are heading back to their own bed, they will be making a round trip to Dahlio’s first.
5. Wednesday is the new Saturday
Whatever side of Notts you’re on, absolutely no one attends lectures on Wednesdays. Keep your eyes peeled for the green and gold sliders around campus and don’t be overwhelmed by the amount of grays hockey sticks hanging out of people’s bags. Don’t worry if your Hinge match is playing away this week, you will see them in Crisis in a few hours anyway.
The other side of the city doesn’t need an excuse to skip lectures. You’ll likely see them in Luvyababes finding an outfit for Ocean Wednesday.
6. Home sweet home
Even though university costs a whopping £9,250 a year, you technically only spend seven months in Notts. Most UoN students call Daddy asking for a bank transfer to pay for an overpriced train ticket back to the home counties. However, if you’re heading back to Surrey do not fear! One of your housemates will definitely be driving back down in her white Fiat 500.
If you go to Trent, let’s face it you probably won’t go home anyway. You’ll be spending next year’s student budget on a girl’s holiday to Napa and then head straight to Creamfields.
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