Jess takes Chelsea’s side in Megan Fox lookalike debate, declaring she ‘stans her’
We love to see it
Amid the whole Love is Blind debate on whether Chelsea actually looks like Megan Fox or not, former love rival for Jimmy, Jess, has declared she’s firmly on Chelsea’s side. Girls supporting girls, we absolutely love to see it.
Chelsea has taken to Instagram in recent days to defend herself online from backlash by those who felt she was being “malicious” by telling Jimmy she looked like Megan Fox in the Love is Blind pods. And Jess has been quick to defend Chelsea from any backlash writing: “I wasn’t present for their dates, but I know Chels’ heart and can confidently say she didn’t have malicious intent.
@jess.ves2 We love a queen who knows what she wants. I think? 😭🥲😂#loveisblind #loveisblindseason6 #loveisblindnetflix #netflix #tiffanypollard
“No hate of any kind will be tolerated on this side. I’m grateful for all of the love and support, but there’s no need to compare or pit anyone against each other. It’s all love. Chels’ beauty goes far beyond what our eyes can see. We stan her over on this side.”
Megan explained that she does “absolutely regret” the comments she made to Jimmy but it was just supposed to be a “silly conversation.”
@chelseadblackwell Truly humbled by the internet 🫶🏽 #meganfox #loveisblind #loveisblindseason6 #lib #netflix #loveisblind
She explained in the comments of her Instagram: “I haven’t addressed this at all. I wasn’t trying to be manipulative by any means. You have to understand, we are on these dates for four-plus hours at a time.
“I wasn’t the only one having silly conversations such as this. Do I regret it, absolutely. But in no way was I trying to persuade any decision. I am not a vicious person and I won’t be made out to be.”