If you do 14/20 of these things you’re officially having a posh girl summer
1. Wear linen trousers clubbing
The weather may not be weathering as it should right now but it’s always summer in our hearts. You might have heard about hot girl summer, or even rat girl summer. But, let’s be honest, loads of you are, deep down, having posh girl summer. And there are 20 instant identifiers to suss you out.
We’ve done plenty of posh girl quizzes about uni bedrooms and wardrobe choices. But the rah-where’s-my-baccy lifestyle only intensifies in the summer months. Partying across Europe? More tanned than all your friends? Heading to Boomtown festival with a bag full of vibey Vinted finds or chilling in a pub garden in an Aperol Spritz? If so, you could be guilty of a PGS.
1. You wear linen trousers clubbing
Once beloved by Marks and Spencers grandmas the home counties over, linen trousers have now been co-opted by posh girls as garms for their next big night out*. How you don’t wind up covered in mixer and other people’s footprints we’ll never know. At least you’re comfy, though.
*must be paired with a tiny t-shirt.
2. You’ll cease to exist without a Gail’s on a hangover
If you’ve been on the booze the night before there’s literally only one option for you road to recovery the next morning: A visit to Gail’s. Starbucks? That hell hole is dead to you. It’s all about the oat milk iced latter and spinach and feta roll as the basic bitch gods intended.
3. You go anywhere Ibiza or Mykonos with the girls
Alix Earle and Olivia Neill have had an effect on the girlies holiday destinations this summer. Mykonos and Ibiza is all over the Instagram grid, and if you can afford to get yourself there with the influencers, you’re posh girl living, too.
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4. Vibey Vinted outfits are your main source of joy
You have absolutely no business being at the post office five times a week. But there you are, like it’s your job, collecting your silly little Vinted parcels to complete your Bella Hadid girly fits. Most of the time you wear the pieces once then upsell on Depop. Pure evil.
5. Boomtown festival has you heading to Hampshire
Obviously you need somewhere to wear your vintage garms and Boomtown Festival is the posh girls’ destination of choice. Your rucksack is filled with tiny tops, jorts, 90s glasses, packs of cigs and a boy called Josh’s number. You’ll inevitably lose all your mates (called Tilly) and have a bit of a cry as you come up.
6. You can actually afford to drink Aperols at the pub
£12 per go!!!!
7. You wouldn’t be seen dead without a chunky Depop necklace
A la Bella Hadid. Your oracle, for everything.
8. Your summer cig habit is back up and running
Mostly you vape but there’s something about the sunshine that makes you want a Marlboro Gold. Honourable mention to Vogues.
9. A big villa uni group holiday is on the cards
You either found this fat gaff on AirbnB or it’s your daddy’s second home in France/Italy/Spain. Either way, your family are bank rolling you and every single one of your mates in your 20-person friend group you’ve brought with you is wearing at least one item of linen.
10. You’re never not hosting huge BBQs when your parents leave you home alone
You have money, your parents have money- everyone is always on holiday. And that means, when you’re left home alone to dog sit, you have the freedom and Whispering Angel to host fat BBQ and pool days for everyone in the surrounding Surrey area.
11. Vibey disposable camera pics document your every breath
Serious Insta posting is dead to you. It’s either 35mm film or 0.5 mode digitals. Snappy Snaps is bankrupting everyone else but you think the price is worth it for your aesthetic.
12. You quit your summer job because they didn’t like your travelling plans
Like, obviously you need to be off June-September. What don’t they get? You pick up some extra cash pouring champagne at big weddings in the home counties when your feet do occasionally touch UK soil instead.
13. Your Mini/Fiat 500 is doing some serious mileage
You’re outside!! There’s nowhere you can’t go!! (Your parents still pay for your insurance).
14. Your blonde highlights have never looked more immaculate
It can be up to £200 a go to have your roots done but you see it as a long term investment to being hot. Plus, the Euro sunshine comes in clutch to keep your colour bright.
15. You’re the most tanned person in every room you enter
You’ve got white tan lines on every finger from the endless rings you wear. Constant holidays are keeping your bronzed look bright. That and a few layers of Garnier Summer Body. It’s not a tan, it’s a lifestyle.
16. You’re finally getting some use out of your family’s pool and tennis courts
Sporty girl summer. Mostly for the Insta story.
17. You’ve been in at least one airport lounge at any point this season
Free baggage, unlimited booze and snacks, paid for with daddy’s air miles? It just makes sense to upgrade. (Obv) bonus point for private jets/helicopters if you’ve entered that realm.
18. You cure your hangiexty by hanging out with you family’s crusty white dog
Ditto mini dachshunds.
19. Your Uniqlo cross body bag and Nike Air Force 1s have seen some things
VIP areas, exclusive rooftops, your ex’s family home – you’ve gotten in everywhere this summer. Both your bag and trainers are covered in dirt, but who cares? You’ve obviously got a pristine back up pair for special occasions x
20. You defer your panic masters and decide to become a yoga instructor in Bali
MA? Corporate world? Savings? Money? All that can wait. Your hanxiety existential crisis has led you to vinyasa to your hearts centre in Indonesia. And it was getting cold in Europe, anyway.
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