Catch all the action as CUSU tries to sort it’s shit out

CUSU set to run five figure budget deficit

CUSU’s finances are in disarray

Meet the Columnists: Easter 2017

Optimistic Scandis, Tab Grandees, Yeezys and CUSU Electees


The Doku Dynasty continues

Elections Committee accused of ‘dog whistle racism’ and playing to ‘racial stereotypes’ by candidate

Josh Jackson said this after a disciplinary meeting for an “unacceptably aggressive” campaign

As Cambridge students we should oppose ‘institution blind’ recruitment

We worked hard to get here, we work hard here and we deserve that to be recognised


CUSU Presidential candidate DAISY EYRE discusses what CUSU could look like under her leadership.

Cambridge should look after its students, not contribute to their problems

CUSU Presidential candidate KEIR MURISON talks about how we can make Cambridge better for everyone

CUSU doesn’t need to be irrelevant

CUSU Presidential candidate JACK DRURY is here to tell you why.

FOUL PLAY: CUSU Sabb breaks their own election rules in salty Facebook post

Sophie Buck was asked to remove the post by the elections committee.

Who’s-who of CUSU: The nominations

Campaigning begins at 9am today – but who is actually running?

CUSU will remain affiliated to the NUS (for now)

Affilation will be discussed again before the budget for 2017-18 is released

CUSU Council agenda shows 2200% increase in NUS fees

They were anticipated to be only £250

CLASS LISTS could change to opt-in system because of new laws

Remember the referendum?

VOTE NOW: Cambridge’s Top 100 BNOCs

Find out if YOU made the cut

Could YOU be Cambridge’s Biggest BNOC?

Nominate a Cantab now

WomCam CONDEMNS the Union over tonight’s prostitution debate

The Facebook statement contained a condemnation of Julie Bindel, who will not be appearing at the debate.

One year since Giulio Regeni’s disappearance, there is still a long way to go

A year onwards: could we do more?

CUSU vote to BOYCOTT Student Satisfaction Survey

The decision was made at CUSU Council this evening.

NUS Vice President shuns “toxic level of debate” in response to allegations

Richard Brooks has issued a statement via social media against allegations made yesterday