Miya Chahal

Miya Chahal
Leeds University


The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.



This is where the candidates of The Apprentice 2022 went to university

Amy Anzel attended a US Ivy League Uni

Just a quick rundown of all the amazing things Rihanna has done for people and the planet

Rihanna literally just donated $15m to fight climate change

‘It was quite a healing period’: Young people are nostalgic about time spent in lockdown

‘I was able to reflect and celebrate my own achievements for the first time in a while’

A timeline: The chaos endured by final years who have spent the whole of uni in a pandemic

Uni has been a whirlwind of isolation and confusion, no thanks to the government and the universities themselves

Hundreds marched through Leeds to mark the Reclaim the Night anniversary this weekend

Shouts of: ‘say it loud, say it again, no excuse for violent men’ echoed through the streets of Leeds

Students gather outside Chemistry building for Sabina Nessa vigil

‘Why isn’t violence against black and brown women treated the same as white women?’

Academic sues Leeds Beckett after cutting ties and branding her as ‘racist’

Aysha Khanom claims that LBU ‘will essentially be arguing to uphold white supremacy’ in the legal proceedings

If the pandemic’s taught us anything, it’s that A-Levels should be scrapped

Having a bad day in an exam shouldn’t dictate your future

Last night’s episode of Love Island was a mess and the Islanders need to be called out

From body-shaming to comparing the criticism of plastic surgery to racism

Shannon Singh’s brief appearance on Love Island felt like an act of tokenism

‘Diversity’ really means nothing on reality TV

Students are using LeedsFess to expose racism within the uni community

Racism has always occurred on Leeds campuses, LeedsFess is just shining a light on it

Hyde Park Leeds trending on Twitter as crowds leave rubbish on Woodhouse Moor

‘We are a very proactive group of young adults, but we shoot ourselves in the foot by leaving so much mess’

Hundreds attended Millennium Square vigil for Sarah Everard, which condemned police and new government Bill

One speaker said: “They make the cuts and it’s us who bleed”

The BEST places to order food from in Leeds whilst we’re stuck in Tier 3

An Old Bar potato stack in bed? Yes please.

Leeds student protest set up to ‘reclaim Headingley stadium alleyway’

The event aims to raise awareness about violent assaults on women in the Headingley area