Charlotte’s played a blinder, but this fatal flaw shows how she could majorly lose The Traitors

She has made a clever move that’s a MAJOR risk

There was not a soul up and down the nation last night not absolutely blown away by a whoppingly ballsy move played by Charlotte on The Traitors, which saw her take out Minah – easily the strongest player in the game. And, on that note, one of the strongest players the show has ever seen. Charlotte started out The Traitors 2025 as a bit of a laughing stock – the one faking a Welsh accent, widely ridiculed. Nobody is laughing now after she thwarted the naive allegations and took the reign as the front runner, but Charlotte needs to be wary of one fatal flaw that may cost her The Traitors prize pot if her huge risk from last night doesn’t pay off.

So, Charlotte betraying Minah could have been an ideal way to secure the win. But producers have forced her to recruit, and she picked Freddie to do so – likely because she thinks he’d be the easiest to manipulate in order for him to take most of the fall and get banished. It’s already strategic, because everyone has been banging on about how Faithful Charlotte is and how they assume the final Traitor MUST be male. Heat is already on Freddie, and Alexander.

What makes it even juicier is Leanne revealed to everyone EXCEPT Freddie and Alexander that she has a shield which she won in yesterday’s episode’s mission. Freddie doesn’t know this, so Charlotte manipulated him into saying they should murder Leanne knowing full well that Leanne will work out that the Traitor must be Freddie or Alexander because the other three know she’s shielded. It’s a huge and very clever move. But one with insane risk.

If she does it, and Leanne reveals to the group that Charlotte knew she had a shield – then Freddie could very loudly blurt out that he thinks Charlotte is the Traitor – revealing her flaw and losing her The Traitors prize pot. It might make him look scrambling and desperate – but I can’t imagine him going quietly if he thinks that he’s been betrayed.

Emotions must be mega high for him anyway, giving the fact he didn’t want to be a Traitor and the options were be recruited or die.

Whatever happens, I have never been more seated for an episode of television in my silly little life – and it isn’t even the final yet!

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