The Traitors final week power ranking: The players ranked from weakest to strongest
Here’s whose place in the castle is most precarious
I can’t believe it’s the final week of The Traitors UK – with season three about to enter into its final batch of episodes and this year’s best show on telly instalment comes to a halt. Whilst this season hasn’t quite had the smack around the head wow factor as the two before it, it’s still been riotously good and unmissable reality TV and I’ve devoured every episode. With last week seeing the end of big characters like Linda and Fozia, the final eight have it all to play for. But who actually is the most powerful left in the show? Here’s a power ranking of the final eight as we enter the last week of The Traitors 2025.
Eight left. Six Faithful, two Traitors. Here we go.
8. Francesca

Coming in last and the least powerful in the show right now is sadly going to be Francesca. I really like her a lot but fear she’s in danger – not just of potentially being murdered as the episode opens tonight, but also because she only missed being banished instead of Leon by one vote. I can’t see her still being there on Friday at all.
7. Joe

Brings me great pleasure to put Joe right near the bottom of the power ranking because his performance in The Traitors 2025 has been abysmal and he’s been loud and wrong about everyone. He was also up for discussion about being murdered so fingers crossed his time might be done in tonight’s ep.
6. Jake

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Jake is powerful as a Faithful as a self-declared Traitor hunter. Fair play, he was right about Linda and got her out in the end. But Jake is being eyed up for murder and it could be the end of his decent run as a Faithful. I do think personally he deserves to make it to the final, but I don’t see it happening.
5. Alexander

HEARTBROKEN TO DECLARE THIS: our man is in danger. I don’t think the Traitors care about murdering him that much but only because every Faithful is suspicious of him and thinks he’s a Traitor. Leave him alone and just let him charm us all more, I beg!
4. Freddie

I love Freddie a lot and wish everyone would just bloody believe him that he’s Faithful. I need a top two Faithfuls of Alexander and Freddie, however I do believe that there’s this permanent and lingering suspicion of him that’s never gone away from other Faithfuls. He’s powerful however in the regard that it’s only he who really suspects Minah!
3. Leanne

Not particularly partial to Leanne’s very emotional and quite angry gameplay style, where she seems to take everything very personally and is often confrontational. But she has power in how no Faithfuls seem to suspect her as being a Traitor and she’s very close to Minah. It will get her to the final – buy could also lose her the game.
2. Minah

In many ways the most powerful player of the season. Not a single time has her name been written on a chalkboard, and that must not be underestimated. She’s a very strong player and very good at this game, and acts up a storm at the banishment table. The only issue is she vastly underestimates Charlotte, and if it comes down to it this week she could lose everything because of that recruitment.
1. Charlotte

Charlotte has thwarted the late Traitor recruitment allegations and is currently playing a blinder. She hasn’t sucked up to Minah, and has knowingly banked information knowing how she might have to play it if shit hits the fan. But what makes Charlotte the top of The Traitors 2025 power ranking is that unanimously everyone is pretty much convinced she’s a Faithful. Will she even be questioned before the twist about how this year the final banishments will not reveal Traitor or Faithful? It really could be her game to win.
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