Here are all the terrifying games that would take place if Squid Game was based in the UK
The bleep test would instantly kill me off
The terrifying games in Squid Game are based on traditional Korean games which are predominantly played by children, and it got me thinking about which nostalgic games would feature in the show if it took place in the UK.
From the traumatic Bleep Test to Splat, let’s have a look at all your favourite primary school games which would make the cut.
Bleep Test
I mean straight out of the gate I’d be out honestly in the first round with this game because currently, my fitness level is at an embarrassingly all time low. This game would purely be one based on fitness level rather than any cunning or luck, but if you know the best technique of how to do the bleep test then I’d reckon you could get pretty far.
I think for this one to work there’d have to be a number of players who would be allowed to get to the next round and the test would just keep going until that number was reached.
Honestly the mental audio reminder of those bleeps getting faster and faster whilst you;re quite literally sprinting for your life hits home all too hard. Pretty sure we’re all traumatised by the bleep test at this point.
Duck, Duck, Goose
The genuine fear duck duck goose gave me when I was in primary school is still unparalleled to this day, genuinely get scared thinking about it. The pure tension as you feel your head about to be patted is pure horror itself.
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This game would translate so well to Squid Game because each of the players would be competing with each other and you could get quite tactical about who you decided to try and get out, so whilst the start of the game might be easier it’d get harder towards the end when you’re being chased down by someone who’s trying to tag you and get you out.
I think the room design for this one could also pop off.
The way Splat had truly somehow been erased from my memory is genuinely appalling, I literally had to search up the game tor remind myself of how it all works.
But now I have I feel very confident this is one which would appear, it’s more based on how quick your reactions are, and obviously whoever would get “splat” would probably have a slightly more grisly end than just sitting outside of the circle.
In case you need a reminder of what even happens in this game, one person stands in the middle of the circle and points their finger at someone whilst saying “splat.” The person who is pointed at then ducks down and the two people on either side of them turn to each other and whoever says “splat” first wins whilst the other one is out of the game. Riveting stuff.
What’s The Time Mr Wolf?
This is literally the UK version of Red Light Green Light. In case you’re unfamiliar with this truly iconic primary school game, someone stands at the front with their backs turned to other plays and acts as the wolf. The players then ask “what’s the time Mr Wolf?” and the wold responds with a time. The players then move forward a number of spaces depending on the time given.
However, sometimes the wolf will say “it’s dinner time” and attempt to catch the players whilst they flee back to the start line and the game ends once someone manages to reach the wolf. Trust me, this game was genuinely scary and would be very effective in the UK Squid Games.
Squid Game 2 is available on Netflix now. For all the latest Netflix news, drops and memes like The Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook.