Serial killer Levi Bellfield claims to have murdered London student in new confession

Elizabeth Chau had just handed in an assignment at Thames Valley University when she disappeared two decades ago

The only serial murderer serving two life sentences in British history has confessed in writing to killing a London student who disappeared two decades ago.

Elizabeth Chau was last seen on CCTV about a mile from her west London home in 1999. She was a computer studies student at Thames Valley University, which later became a part of the University of West London.

Her disappearance remains unsolved, and her body has not been found. But now, Levi Bellfield, imprisoned at HMP Frankland for three murders, has written and signed a confession “admitting” to killing her, reports Metro

The confession was confirmed by Bellfield’s solicitor, who handed it to the police and said the serial murderer is now “likely to be interviewed under caution.”

Vietnam-born Elizabeth was last seen by the Ealing police station at 6pm on April 16th 1999. She had reportedly just handed in a university assignment.

Her family told The Guardian they’d been “living in agony” ever since the 19-year-old did not return home that day.

Her brother, Minh-Vu, said: “We have no closure and live with the pain every day. My parents are particularly distraught. They have not changed their phone number or moved house in the hope that she may one day return.”

The family said Bellfield’s four-paged “signed and written confession to the kidnap, rape, assault and murder” of Elizabeth has details that are “not in the public domain, and may only be known to someone present when [Elizabeth] disappeared.”

Despite concerns of the serial killer being “manipulative,” the police are also “understood to believe there is credibility in Bellfield’s confession.”

It’s reported that Bellfield has given details of bundling Elizabeth into a van and offered to show detectives where her body was deposited after the alleged murder.

Bellfield’s solicitor also said the serial killer, spotted by police driving around west London in a van and talking to young women by bus stops, admitted to “at least six other attacks on women in London and Surrey” in the confession.

The murders and attempts included in the confession are on top of the killings Bellfield is already convicted of. He is currently serving two life sentences, without the possibility of parole, for the deaths of 22-year-old Amelie Delagrange, 19-year-old Marsha McDonnell, and 13-year-old Milly Dowler.

Bellfield’s solicitor said the confession was “at his instigation.”

“I think he feels the families and victims deserve some resolution and closure. I’m minded to believe him. He wrote a signed statement and he gave it to me,” she said.

If you are affected by this story, please speak to someone. Samaritans can be contacted by calling 116 123, Anxiety UK by 03444 775 774, and Mind by 0300 123 3393 at any time. 

Feature image source: YouTube

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