
What it’s like to hate sports at JMU

This school is obsessed

Everything you’re doing instead of studying for finals

Like day-drinking to forget…

All the weird things that make us love JMU

Other than that Trump Rock, I’ve enjoyed being a Duke

What the Dean and Dukes really have to say about the quad brick tradition

‘We take quad bricks, so what?’

Meet the JMU student who won $15,300 on Wheel of Fortune

‘Everybody was putting me on Snapchat!’

What to do and not to do when your parents visit

You should probably hide your bong…

JMU knows how to darty better than any other school

Tis’ the season to be dage-ing

The weirdest classes you can take at JMU

Ballroom dancing, anyone?

Dear World Project at JMU

‘If you had one message to share with the world, what would you say?’

I am a Republican, but I refuse to support Trump

Someone please tell me this presidential race was all an elaborate joke

JMU students open up about why they Relay

So that one day we don’t have to

What I’ll miss most when I graduate from JMU

They don’t just hold doors open everywhere

How JMU students felt about the Spirit Rock fiasco

Someone painted ‘Trump 2016’

Wilson Hall bell ringer job posting a hoax

Sorry kids, you won’t be ringing the bell any time soon

Madison Connection pranks us all with fake news of raccoon infestation

Good one…

Everything I hate about JMU

For starters, who thought purple was a good idea for a school color?

Free documentaries anyone? Go to Reel Change

It’s like Netflix but you have to get off your couch