JMU knows how to darty better than any other school

Tis’ the season to be dage-ing

Ah! The warm weather has come to JMU! To some, this means lying outside on the quad, downtown ice cream trips, and local hiking adventures. But let’s be real we’re all most excited for the notorious day drinks. This time last year, the happiest place on earth had a brief spread in Total Frat Move where JMU “day drinks” were described as “Day Parties Done Right”.

So, as your favorite darty-enthusiast, I sought out to find the best parts of what makes these “dages” so right.

We do it in the cold

OK just kidding, we didn’t wait for the weather to warm up. Snow Day? Bundle up, get a nice beer jacket and head to the 12’s.

Side note: JMU waited until 6pm to cancel school for the blizzard that was to come the next day, that’s the same time the ABC stores close… Coincidence? I think not!

Thursday’s don’t stop us

St. Patty’s Day may have fallen on a weekday, but a holiday is a holiday and it deserves to be celebrated!

Food truck fiestas

A taco truck. Need I say more?

Mechanical bull rides

Watch as I attempt to not flash an entire fraternity.

Trendy outfits

The JMU Darty Challenge: Hang onto your floppy hat AND hold your sundress down while trying to dance in this windy valley.

Country music and throwback songs

BRB gonna go fangirl and channel my inner boy-band crazed middle school self.

The best lighting for a photo opt

Insta or it didn’t happen.

Oh dages, what a time to be alive!

James Madison University