Everything I hate about JMU

For starters, who thought purple was a good idea for a school color?

Being a senior, I have spent ample time recently reflecting on my time at James Madison University. It has come to my attention there are some things I absolutely hate about JMU and I hope this article inspires someone to finally make a change here!

People Holding Doors

I am fully capable of opening and closing a door behind myself, thanks. Why do people have to be so polite, considerate and courteous all the time? Just let the door crash into my face please.

Courteously looking back and waiting for me to catch up to her

The Quad

Why would I want to sit on lush grass and stare at beautiful buildings like Wilson Hall on a sunny day? Seriously, who would do that?

A subpar view at best…

Purple and Gold Streamers

I think a simple “Woo” is sufficient enough to congratulate our football team for making a touchdown. Why throw streamers through the air creating the most instagram worthy photo opportunities reiterating our JMU spirit?

E-Hall Brunch

I can make myself eggs on a Sunday morning, why do people feel the need to line up outside a building to have talented chefs make a superb brunch for you? I just don’t get it.

She probably waited in line for 30 minutes for that…(Photo by: Laura Salt)

The Duke Dog

A dog, are we joking? Have you seen our mascot? He is so passionate and full of energy. Plus, the real life dog is sickeningly adorable.

The View from ISAT

I would much rather look out onto a polluted city than see the breathtaking Shenandoah mountains glistening as the sun shines on East Campus. We couldn’t afford a better view, you’re joking right?

Downtown Harrisonburg

I can’t think of one student who wants to spend their Thursday nights or weekends downtown. Why surround yourself with local businesses, live music, farmers markets and craft beer? Does anyone really enjoy that?

Photo by: Hannah Greene

Peanut Butter Pie

Who in the world thought combining peanut butter and pie would be a lovely idea? Does anyone actually consume this mouth-watering combo that has become a staple of JMU dining?

How gross does this look? (Source: https://jmusocialmedia.files.wordpress.com)

The Royal Marching Dukes

Just get rid of them already! They provide such pleasure to my ears, continual entertainment and overall amazement with their overwhelming talent—I am sick of it.

If only I remembered ear plugs… (Photo by: Sarah Sugarman)

The Overwhelming Sense of Community

I am still trying to figure out who actually comes to college to experience a “home away from home” and sense of belonging? I don’t want to feel appreciated, let me feel lost and confused.

I am hoping by now you have picked up on my very subtle undertone of sarcasm. Four years at JMU will never be enough – there are so many things to love about it. I tried thinking of things, I hate but not much comes to mind. Even the things I hate, I am somehow thankful for…the lack of parking—yes it can be a problem, but that means you’re lucky enough to have a car in the first place. What about the deathly Godwin or ISAT stairs? My legs have never been in better shape. Learn to love every little thing JMU has to offer, it isn’t hard.

James Madison University