These are the Glasgow fashion trends you need to look out for on campus this autumn
How many can you tick off?
Imagine this: It’s first semester of the year, you’re refreshed, you’re motivated, and you’re ready to become an absolute academic weapon. I notice that a lot of people tend to put more effort into their appearance first semester, or more specifically the few weeks before midterms begin.
For me personally, first semester is all cute skirts and boots, fabulous accessories, and actually attending my classes, while second semester has me showing up for one class a week in an old pair of leggings and my dad’s jumper that comes down to my knees.
In the spirit of first semester, here’s a list of fashion trends and clothes you will 100 per cent see around campus this autumn.
1. Polo Ralph Lauren
Specifically, the knitted jumpers. I love a bit of RL, but I’ll be the first to admit its overly worn on uni campuses by both the guys and the girls.
2. Flares or wide leg trousers
A wide leg trouser look is the perfect effortless look, IMO.
3. A rugby quarter zip
Any quarter zip actually, but you cannot move around Glasgow Uni, especially on a Wednesday, without seeing one of those infamous GURFC jumpers. They are warm though, I’ll give them that.
4. Someone dressed in some kind of fancy dress, usually surrounded by other people in the same themed outfits.
Speaking of Wednesdays, all you will see is different sports teams in themed outfits for socials every week.
5. A girl in a matching sweat set, usually with a claw clip
This is so put together, clean girl aesthetic. Any time I see someone in this look, I immediately expect great grades and a 12-step skincare routine.
6. Veja or New Balance shoes
THE TikTok shoes of the year
7. Longchamp bags
Can someone please start a count of how many Longchamp le pliage they see on Uni Avenue? Not going to lie, I have three.
8. Someone in pyjamas
Midterm season is fast approaching my friends, and what is better than getting your books and laptop out wearing PJ bottoms and a hoodie, to get absolutely no studying done whatsoever.
9. Someone wearing something that is so NOT acceptable for the weather.
Babe, this is Scotland and its October, what on earth could have possessed you to put shorts on?
And last but not most definitely not least…
10. North face puffer jackets
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