student living

The double-edged sword of Cambridge accommodation

Are the aesthetics papering over the cracks?

Every struggle I’ve had with my Cambridge fresher accommodation

Or, how to survive Blyth

How expensive is your college kitchen?

The girls at Newnham suffer while the oldies at Wolfson pay nothing

The Sunday Serial: Episode 6

The Sleepy Corridor is settling into the new rhythm of Christmas with the stranger. A strange calm reigns. This can’t last forever. Join OLD DAL for the calm before the storm…

Cambridge Characters: The Bouncer

In an ongoing quest to discover the full human face of Cambridge, ROSIE HORE snuggles up to two of your favourite heavies.

Tab Cribs: Moscow State Linguistic University

Inspired by last weekend’s international Jailbreak splurge, Tab Cribs sets up shop in Moscow. ?? ??????????? Tab Cribs!

Tab Cribs: Murray Edwards

JESSICA O’DRISCOLL-BREEN tells us how coming last in the room ballot led her to domestic paradise and nocturnal flashers.

Taste the Difference?

Fed up with your black hole bank account? JULIA LEPLA investigates whether Sainsbury’s Basics come at the cost of taste.

Tab Cribs: St John’s

DUNCAN MAUD tells BEN DALTON a tale of domestic bliss from his room at John’s. Just without a bidet.

Come Dine With Me

TOM KEANE with some easy microwave recipes that you don’t need to be Nigella to perfect.