Boo! These are officially the most haunted UK unis in 2023, based on ghost sightings
There have been 59 ghost sightings at one UK uni
Spooky season is soon coming up and whilst you battle the millions of people dressed up as Barbie this year and try and find your scariest outfit, your uni actually might beat you to it. With some old uni buildings dating back literally hundreds of years, it’s not really surprising that a LOT of them are actually haunted.
Well, The Knowledge Academy looked at the number of ghost sightings and paranormal activity and the number of cemeteries, gravestones and demolished buildings within two miles of each uni campus to work out the spookiest UK unis.
So, just in time for Halloween, here are officially the most haunted unis in the UK, in 2023:
10. The University of Leeds
At 10th is The University of Leeds which has an overall “spooky score” of 7.30 out of 10. There have been a total of 15 ghost sightings at Leeds and there are 26 cemeteries and 286,501 graves within two miles of the campus.
9. Oxford Brookes University
Surprisingly much more haunted than the actual Uni of Oxford, there have been 19 reports of paranormal activity at Brookes recorded. The Brookes campus also has a high number of nearby cemeteries within two miles with 51. Oxford Brookes has an overall spooky score of 7.51.
8. The University of Strathclyde
The University of Strathclyde in Scotland is at eighth. It has an overall spooky score of 7.56 out of 10 due to the 28 paranormal sightings and 65,884 graves within a two mile radius.
7. Queen’s University Belfast
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Queen’s University Belfast actually only has five ghost sightings but is ranked seventh because how old some of the buildings are and the number of cemeteries and graves nearby. It has 216,699 nearby graves in 30 nearby cemeteries to the campus. It has an overall spooky score of 7.64.
6. Liverpool John Moores University
A lot less haunted than Uni of Liverpool, John Moores was given an overall spooky score of 7.69 out of 10. There have been 22 ghost sightings at John Moores and there are 37 cemeteries with 361,531 graves within two miles of the campus.
5. The University of Exeter
Exeter actually has the highest number of ghost sightings out of all unis but is at number five on the overall haunted ranking. With a massive 59 ghosts sightings, Exeter has an overall haunted rating of 7.84. It also has 46 cemeteries and 13,443 graves within two miles of the uni.
4. The University of York
The University of York is the fourth most haunted UK uni, moving up one place from last year. There have been 50 ghost sightings at York and there are 60 cemeteries within a two mile radius giving it an overall spooky score of 7.97. There was also a recent creepy video of a bike riding itself down The Shambles in York.
3. The University of Kent
Last year, Kent was ranked as the fourth most haunted uni in the UK. Moving up one spot this year, more ghosts must have been spotted at Kent in the last year. There have been a total of 33 ghost sightings and there are 34 cemeteries within two miles of the campus. It has an overall haunted score of eight out of 10.
2. Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln
This uni probably has more ghosts than students because I can’t say I’ve ever heard of it. But Bishop Grosseteste Uni is based in Lincoln and is actually the second most haunted uni in the UK. It has had 24 reports of paranormal activity and has 33 cemeteries within two miles giving it an overall spooky score of 8.15.
1. The University of Liverpool and The University of Bath
And joint top for the most haunted unis in the UK is The University of Liverpool and The University of Bath. Both Liverpool and Bath were given an overall spooky score of 8.28 out of 10. In Liverpool, there has been 23 ghost sightings and incidents of paranormal activity and it also has the highest number of gravestones within a two mile radius with over 275,108. The University of Bath has had 27 ghost sightings and has over 36 cemeteries within two miles of the campus.
Brb just getting my costume ready to dress up as Liverpool Uni for Halloween.
Featured image before edits via K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash.
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