Daniel Greenwood

Daniel Greenwood
Oxford University


The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.


Tasha Dhanraj’s thought for week 5: Christian Union, why all the free food?

With the text-a-toastie season in full swing, Tasha asks why Oxford’s Christian socs put so much focus on free food.

Tasha Dhanraj’s thought for week 4: You can’t pray the depression away

Tasha asks why some Christians blame the depressed for their illness.

Dafydd MacLennan week 3: Shit Spanish students say

Dafydd shares some of the bizarre things his students have said on his year abroad.

Joe Miles week 4: ‘Clegg off Campus’ off campus

Oxford students are planning a protest against the mere presence of the leader of a major political party on campus. Joe Miles asks if this should be tolerated.

Tasha Dhanraj’s Thought for Week 3

Tasha tells of how she skirted damnation to write a comedy play about Christianity.

Dafydd MacLennan week 3: Spanish kids react to ‘The Riot Club’

Dafydd shows the trailer of The Riot Club to a group of Spanish kids under the guise of an English Lesson. What happens next will shock you.

Joe Miles Week 3: Why do Oxford students hate UKIP?

In his latest column, JOE MILES wants to know why you keep hating on UKIP

Tasha Dhanraj’s Thought for Week 2: Starting my own religion

In her latest column, Tasha’s starting her own religion and she’s recruiting for disciples…

Dafydd MacLennan Week 2: Sun, sex and suspicious tutors

Spanish and Portugese student Dafydd Maclennan tells all about what Oxford students get up to on their year abroads

Joe Miles Week 2: Inside ‘Port and Policy’

Port and Policy gets a bad rep. Here’s why you should give the chaps in red chinos a chance, argues JOE MILES

Tasha Dhanraj’s Thought For Week: 1

Is it time to feast at the buffet of religious diversity, or is the risk of indigestion too great? TASHA DHANRAJ investigates…

Joe Miles Week 1: What you didn’t miss this NUS conference season

In the first instalment of his weekly column, JOE MILES considers whether there are any perks to the NUS beyond the free hamburgers

Meet the Trinity term Tab columnists

Get excited- here’s your brand new team of Tab columnists for Trinity