A flight attendant shares which three plane habits she thinks should be ‘illegal’

We’re all getting cancelled

Being on a plane can be hell. Long flights are cramped, uncomfortable, and if there’s a crying baby or loud group nearby, a bit of a headache. But, what really is the worst thing you can do during this time? A flight attendant has spoken out about plane habits flyers have, and shared what she thinks should be “illegal”.

Cher Killough, who has worked in the industry for over five years, shared her opinions on TikTok. She listed a few things that make someone a nuisance passenger. Her TikTok was titled: “Things that should be illegal to do on the airplane from a flight attendant.”

In the video, she listed three things that make someone a less than ideal plane guest. So, are you guilty of them?

What are the three plane habits that should be illegal?


Dont get mad at the fragrance one in the cabin ! Some ppl are extremely sensitive to smells (im ppl) #flightattendantlife #flightattendant

♬ Rotina – Drew

Cher said her three biggest bugbears are: Manspreading, wearing a strong fragrance, and having your feet out at any time during a flight.

Speaking of why people, or just men really, shouldn’t “manspread”, Cher said: “Specifically manspreading when you’re in a middle seat but any time of seat should be unacceptable. When I’ve been a passenger I have had that numerous times where men will spread their knees all the way into my seat section, or the other person on the other side of me. It’s just unacceptable.”

Moving on she said that “smelling like anything on the plane should be illegal”. Sorry to those of us who douse ourselves in absolutely everything we can get our hands on in duty free. “I don’t care if it [the smell] is good or bad,” Cher said. “No one wants to smell whatever fragrance you decided to wear today. Whether it’s body odour or perfume or cologne.”

Cher explained this is because a plane is “already an environment where people are prone to getting nauseous”. She added: “Having an extra fragrance on top of this is just not a good mix.”

Finally, Cher said there is “no time” where it is acceptable to have your “bare toes out in the cabin.” I really thought this would go without saying, but apparently not! “You seriously deserve to go to jail if you have your bare toes out when you go to the bathroom,” she said. “I see this all the time, and it should be against the law. I don’t want to see your toes at all”. Gross!

This comes just days after an influencer went viral for not giving up her seat on a plane for a child. Jeniffer Castro was on board a short GOL Airlines flight in December and wouldn’t give her pre-booked seat to a child who was crying next to her because he wanted to look out the window.

This has raised a whole debate on plane etiquette, with some saying she’d paid for her seat so was well in her rights to not give it up. Others argued she should have sucked it up, and given up her seat. Either way, right now the way to behave on a plane is hot topic.

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