Influencer who refused to give child her plane seat angrily doubles down on controversy
‘No one should be forced to justify something they simply don’t want to do’
The Brazilian woman who refused to give a crying child her plane seat is still going viral, and she’s angrily doubled down on people’s attitudes that “need to change”.
Jeniffer Castro was on board a short GOL Airlines flight in December and wouldn’t give her pre-booked seat to a child who was crying next to her because he wanted to look out the window.
Another passenger on the plane started filming and the video took over the internet. The 29-year-old got loads of backlash on social media and even lost her entire banking career over it.
However, others were firmly on her side, and she gained over two million followers on Instagram and became an influencer after the incident.
She firmly maintains that she did nothing wrong by choosing not to give up her window seat and has slammed society in a new interview with the Daily Mail.
“Each person has their own opinion, and I respect that. I believe that we live in a society where thinking differently is natural and healthy, as long as there is respect,” she said.
@antenasulfm 👑 TODOS COM JENNIFER CASTRO! Jennifer Castro se tornou o assunto do momento nesta quarta-feira (4), depois de viralizar em um vídeo onde foi filmada e insultada por outra passageira em um avião. O motivo? Ela não quis trocar de lugar com uma criança que queria sentar na janela. Com a repercussão, Jennifer recebeu uma onda de apoio e compartilhou em seu Instagram uma montagem que a retrata como uma rainha, usando a hashtag TODOSCOMJENNIFERCASTRO. ✈️ Quem nunca defendeu o seu lugar com garra? E você, trocaria de lugar ou ficaria firme como a Jennifer? #JenniferCastro #Trending #TodosComJennifer #Viral #AntenaSulFM
“What makes everything more complicated is when people judge or attack without knowing all the details of the situation.”
“I believe that we should respect people’s choices and decisions, especially when they are within their rights.”
She said it’s “essential” for the world to normalise saying “No” and understand that “no one should be forced to justify something they simply don’t want to do”.
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“We live in a society where ‘No’ is often seen as rude or selfish, but this needs to change. Each person has their own reasons, preferences, and limits, and all of this must be respected without judgment.”
Castro says she is suing the airline as the situation was so “embarrassing”. The Tab reached out to GOL Airlines and they declined to comment.
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Featured image by: jeniffercastro/Instagram