An investigation into Jacqui’s life beyond MAFS Australia, and whether she really has all those hobbies

Are we sure she’s read 2,000 books in addition to her 14 sports?

Jacqui from MAFS Australia 2025 apparently has an action-packed life. In addition to her impressive-sounding vaguely-defined corporate career, she has also claimed to participate in at least 14 sports, have read over 2,000 books, and to be a Miss New Zealand title holder? Honestly, how does she have the time?

The controversial MAFS bride works as a consultant. Jacqui grew up in New Zealand, then moved to New South Wales about a year before MAFS Australia 2025 started filming. Here’s a list of the many, many hobbies and talents Jacqui claims to have, plus analysis of whether or not she actually does them.

Erm, apparently she’s read over 2,000 books?

She said: “I’ve read probably over 2,000 books. Every single business book on the planet, I’ve probably read it. And if it’s not books, then I’ll be listening to book summaries, to remind myself of what the books were about. People sometimes bore me, so I just turn to books. I’m crazy.”

Now, Jacqui is 29. Assuming she learned to read at age four, this means she must have got through between six and seven books each month since early childhood. This feels perfectly possible (especially if she’s including kids’ books in this number and had no friends as a child). But I’m amazed she had the time with all her 1,000 other hobbies.

I don’t know if Jacqui has actually read 2,000 books, but she does seem to like posting pictures of them on her Instagram.

Jacqui wasn’t actually Miss New Zealand

Jacqui claimed in her MAFS intro: “I used to be a model, and I was even Miss New Zealand.” This sort of implied she won one of the big four beauty pageants – Miss Universe, Miss World, Miss International and Miss Earth – in New Zealand. But she didn’t actually achieve this.

In 2012, Jacqui wore a Miss New Zealand sash in a Chinese competition called Miss Yacht Model International. The contest has no connections to Miss Universe, and was cancelled after two years.

But Jacqui did legitimately do some modelling work a few years ago. She once did a photoshoot for a hair extensions company in Bali.

She claims to do 14 different sports in her spare time

Really. Jacqui said: “I grew up as a dancer – ballet, tap and jazz. Also grew up doing a lot of sport. Netball – I was a netball coach a netball umpire – volleyball, tennis. I was even in the cricket team. I usually run about 10 to 13 km, most days. And I’ve run a marathon.”

Jacqui also listed a whole load more hobbies during her CV. “I’m sporty. I love tennis, hiking, running. I can surf, ski, mountain bike, run around a netball court. I’m also a former model, dancer, and a certified yoga instructor. And an ex-cheerleader.”

I make that 14 different sports, if you count all the styles of dance separately.

I believe Jacqui enjoys hiking, because her Instagram is full of pictures of her posing in front of pretty scenery. So she must have walked through the countryside a bit to get there.

She follows a tennis outfit inspiration Instagram account, so much be interested in the sport (or at least in wearing the skorts).

Jacqui from MAFS Australia has definitely been surfing at least once. Because in 2018, she posed with this surfboard in swimwear. She follows several yoga accounts on Instagram and seemed to know what she was doing when she performed poses for the MAFS cameras.

Jacqui has actually posted pics of her kayaking with her adorable spaniel Rocky. So I guess that’s another sport she could have listed in her wedding vows?

Running 10 to 13 km takes about an hour. I’m impressed Jacqui manages to fit this in each day in addition to her high-flying corporate job, looking after her dog, practicing some of her 14 sports, and reading at least a fifth of a book.

However, I have found no photographic evidence of Jacqui playing netball, volleyball, or cricket. Or going mountain biking or skiing. Or being a cheerleader. Perhaps she did some of these sports once in a school PE lesson 20 years ago, but hasn’t moved on from the experience yet?

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Featured image of Jacqui and somebody’s horse via her Instagram. Featured imaged of Jacqui on MAFS via Nine.

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