Inside the extremely cursed Love Island Luca and Scott club appearance that’s gone viral

Why is it lowkey giving zoo enclosure!?

If you’ve had a peruse of Love Island Twitter or Reddit recently, you are likely to have come across a rather fascinating video. The video in question is one of Love Island icons Scott van-der-Sluis and Luca Bish doing a club appearance – but the club appearance in question is one with such bizarre vibes you honestly just don’t know what to make of it. Now, perhaps I’m just old or past it or not the clientele who attend a Love Island cast club appearance, but are they all as awkward as this one of Luca and Scott or is this an extra jarring one? Because it honestly just needs to be witnessed to be believed.

The club appearance itself took place in the Pure Lounge Bar, a club in Kent. The club deemed it “an unforgettable night” apparently, which is pretty apt actually since nobody is ever going to forget it after seeing the video.

It was Luca’s first club appearance since Love Island All Stars, and I don’t think either Luca or Scott had hedged their bet on it going as viral as it did because it’s had over a million views on Twitter and the Love Island Reddit won’t stop commenting on it either. It’s fascinating. The two Islanders come in and sit behind a roped off area which gives major zoo enclosure vibes when you realise there’s a horde of young people just screaming, filming them and singing club tunes in their face.

Scott and Luca just sort of sit there. Scott’s in a hoodie. It’s a very perplexing lowkey affair. Most of the reaction online is that of utter bewilderment. Who goes to these events? What’s the end goal?

To be fair, in another post there was some meeting and greeting going on so it wasn’t all just sitting about at the side being passed cans of Red Bull.

I suppose this just makes me think of the nostalgic era where the concept of coming face to face with an Islander in the club would be thrilling. But I swear they normally do a bit of hosting and chatting and laughing? It’s all quite random but a hilarious viral moment nonetheless.

The Tab has reached out for comment. Because I need to know how it felt on the other side of them ropes IMMEDIATELY.

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More on: Love Island Reality TV TV