We spoke to Aubrey about what it’s really like getting murdered first on The Traitors
‘Obviously, I was that popular they had to get rid of me’
The biggest miscarriage of justice in ages is the fact that we, the viewers, have been thoroughly robbed from an iconic series of telly thanks to Aubrey being murdered first on The Traitors series two. I mean, sure – the show will probably of course still be amazing. We’ve got Diane after all. But what do you MEAN the first person we lose is the hat wearing icon with a cat called Luther Vandross? Be serious! To soften the blow Aubrey leaving The Traitors leaves behind, I sat down with him to get the gossip on what it’s really like being the first on to snuff it on season two.
Hi Aubrey – first of all, how devastated actually are you that you were the first one to be murdered on The Traitors series two?
I wouldn’t say devastated – I was surprised. Because the day before, we did the lake challenge and I was brilliant at it, even though I say it myself. I was in the water getting the pontoons together. There was one quite the way out, so I went and swam and got it and swam back with it. Went back in rescuing Anthony and Jay because they were still going round and round in circles. Everybody said at the end “ooh, you did fantastic.”
So to be honest, I did think I’ll be safe and they wouldn’t be getting rid of me – keep the strong ones in. I was surprised.
Do you think the reason they chose you is because they saw you as a threat?
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Well, yes because I’m so observant. Before all that, one or two of them had said to me “your eyes are everywhere.” Which they are, because that’s me. I’m a very observant person. I look at things, I analyse people, I watch every move they make. Quite a few people noticed that. I’m not surprised they murdered me. If I was in their shoes, I’d have murdered me.
What was it like watching it all back and seeing their reasoning?
What they said is everything I feared. If they hadn’t got rid of me, I’d have spread the word to all the Faithfuls and it’s a snowball effect. Chances are they’d have been gone one by one, we’d have got them out. Get the strong ones out – and that’s the name of the game.
Do you think if fate had dealt another hand and you ended up as a Traitor, things would have worked out differently and you’d have been in there til the end?
Yeah, and Mykonos Animal Welfare would have got all that money! Definitely. Well, I can’t say definitely but who knows!
Who when you were in there were you most suspicious of?
What was it about him that made you suspect?
Because I thought at one point Andrew and Charlotte when we went in for breakfast were very close and I thought you can’t have this bond that quickly, surely. Really close chatting, whispering. They were just suspicious. I got that little bit wrong.

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Aubrey, were you shocked when you found out who the Traitors were when watching it back?
Yes I was. Paul shocked me, his reaction, because he was obviously one of the ones who murdered me. He threw his head back and laughed. At the end of the day, it’s part of the game – the excitement, I suppose.
It was strange because the night I was leaving to go to bed, there’s a bar in there and he was behind the bar. It was my turn to leave. I went to say bye, we didn’t say cheerio to everyone in the room so you just said bye to a couple. I went to Paul to hug him and he didn’t want to. I just thought, this seems strange. And that always stuck in my mind.
And then as I was leaving Charlotte said “See you tomorrow darling” and I says you will, unless I’ve been murdered. And she goes “You won’t be murdered, you’re too popular.” Well obviously I was that popular they got rid of me!
Do you think The Traitors made the right decision choosing Miles as their fourth?
Definitely not. Should have been me. Miles will do fine. He’s a nice man, he’ll play the game.
Who did you get closest to during your time in there?
Diane and Sonja.
Love Diane. Instant hit with everyone.
She’s a gay icon. She’s coming to do Pride in Birmingham with me on those floats. Sonja will be there knitting. But yeah, I liked everyone but Sonja, Diane and Tracey. You know she’s a medium? Well she got me wrong. She told me she could guess my star sign just by chatting to me and she said “You’re an Aquarius rising.” I said, “Nothing’s risen in me for a long time.”
I just wanted to ask as well how it was meeting the icon that is Claudia Winkleman?
Well, somebody said to me “Are you looking forward to meeting Claudia” and I said well, I’m not after an autograph. I’m not that kind of person, and I haven’t got a book with me anyway. She said to me as we went inside the castle that I looked fantastic and I told her I loved her boots. She was fine, very down to earth. Met her on Tuesday at the screening and she hugged me and we’re friends on Instagram. She also sent me a beautiful letter.
That is so gorgeous. Final question: What made you name your cat Luther Vandross?
Well, little story. I had a dog that I’d rescued from Mykonos Animal Welfare. Lola passed away five years ago this July. Two years after that I’d had no other animals in the house, so went to an animal rescue. Went to have a look and found these two beautiful long haired cat – they called it Rocky. Before I knew where I was that afternoon it was like autopilot, went back, got him and brought him home. My mate Colin said he’s beautiful looking, call him Luther Vandross. And there you go!
Catch Aubrey as The Traitors UK series two continues on BBC and iPlayer at 9pm tonight. For more like this ranking of The Traitors series two cast and the best music, reality TV and entertainment news, like Pop Culture Shrine on Facebook.
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