Norwich is at risk of being voted the worst place to live in England for 2023
The January blues just got worse for students
Norwich is at risk of being voted one of the worst places to live in England for 2023.
The city lights of Norwich don’t compare to Piccadilly Circus however, it’s not an awful place to live. At least the streets aren’t crammed full of tourists every week and the tube doesn’t delay making you late for dinner.
However, this negativity started on an online poll on ilivehere.co.uk (sounds legit) that asks for public votes to be made. Currently, in 76th place there is luckily a chance Norwich will miss the title spot. The good news is that Peterborough is in the lead with 18.54 per cent of the vote. So, there’s hope. A little bit. Maybe.
It is confusing however that the same website is running a poll for Norwich to be one of the best places to live, it seems people just can’t make their minds up. January doesn’t suit dreary news so here’s some positive things about living in Norwich: the cute coffee shops (i.e Strangers), scenic walks around the Cathedral, lots of vintage shopping and markets and UEA, of course.
Now that wasn’t an overtly long or elaborate list but Norwich deserves some positivity. It is also an affordable city to live in as a student unlike a city such as London where tequila shots can be as much £7.
So don’t start dropping out if Norwich gets this rather dreary title – being the best is boring anyway.
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