The Tab

Pharrell’s going to be NYU’s Artist-in-Residence: Does that matter?

Do celebrities add anything at all to students’ experiences?

Metrocard prices might be going down for commuter students

‘It’s important that people aren’t punished for putting off entering the workforce full-time in order to get an education’

Funky hair at Hunter

Colored hair is taking over CUNY Hunter

Hunting for time: Tips on managing school, work and play

‘I think lectures are a waste of time for me. I just read the book and go in to take the exam’

Staff picks haunt Hunter and they should end

‘He had terrible jokes, and ended up being a grumpy old man more than a good teacher’

‘Betsy’ Hulick is studying Russian at Hunter…and she’s in her 70s

She’s also descends from Merriweather Lewis

There’s a new mental health awareness group at Hunter and it’s taking off

If you or someone you know is affected, come to the weekly Wednesday meetings at 1.30 pm

Is Hunter anti-social? I went to speak to strangers on the sky-bridge

An unscientific social experiment about not socializing

American Apparel: Disappointing demise or well-deserved woes?

‘I think I’ve confused it with Urban Outfitters in the past’

Hunter graffiti: Blight or blessing?

Let’s talk about art, baby

Pro-Palestine demonstration outside of Israeli consulate

‘Not another nickel, not another dime, no more money for Israel’s crimes’

Here’s what you can do for free with a CUNY ID

Without having to spend a Park Slope fortune

Hunter East is flooded, literally

We are not surprised

Freshmen you have been warned

Just a couple of friendly tips

Meet Zod

Who is he and why did he help the freshman class so much?

Adjuncts are screwed and soon we might be too

Here’s exactly why hundreds were protesting yesterday

What was your weirdest experience commuting?

‘A man sat down next to me and described his entire house to me in full detail’

The Tab launches at Hunter

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