Here’s what you can do for free with a CUNY ID

Without having to spend a Park Slope fortune

The whole CUNY system certainly has its moot points – it’s hard to speak to advisors, registering is a bitch, and the hallways are always crowded (ALWAYS).

But let’s not forget the perks: student discounts to most museums, parks, and theaters in Brooklyn, and/or Queens.

I discovered this after I walked into the MoMA on a Tuesday expecting to pay a student price of $14. Like whoa, rewind, pretty exorbitant for a student price in general. But as I showed the receptionist my ID she handed me back a receipt saying I didn’t owe anything. I scratched my head, for a few seconds, in awe wondering how in the hell.

One free ticket to the MoMa please

But then I practically kissed her hand and continued on my merry way.

I tried my luck elsewhere and have now been to four places with my CUNY ID.

MoMA (totally free with student ID)

The Cloisters (pay as you wish with valid student ID)

Museum at Eldridge Street ($10 with valid student ID)

The Frick Collection ($10 with valid student ID)

What’s next on my list? Every single museum on the Cultural Passport page of CUNY’s website.

Check it out for yourself, there’s more than a hundred things to do.

Hunter College CUNY CUNY Hunter ID Museum The Tab