Freshmen you have been warned

Just a couple of friendly tips

The first semester can be tough for any freshman, no matter where you go. But going to a commuter school can be especially difficult.

We asked some veterans for any advice they’d like to give to the incoming horde of naive youngsters.

Robert, 20, English

“Go to class. I’m sick as fuck and feel like shit and I still went to class.”

Arjun, 20, Math

“Don’t take bio in Hunter unless you need it.”

Magdalena, 18, Psychology

“Don’t get pissed if people don’t want to be friends with you.”

Johnny, 18, Psychology

Evan, 20, Psychology

“This is a very unique place. it requires a bit of getting used to. Time management is key here.”
“Come to the school focused on academics. This is not a social school.”

Gianna, 19, Film

Gabriel, 22, Psychology

Krystin, 23, Media & Political Science

“It’s a trap.”
“There are things that you don’t think will affect you in the future so do your work.”
“Drop out.”

Gabriel, 22, History

Maggie, 20, Creative Writing

Melanie, 21, Literary Criticism

“Stay on top of your credits because the administration won’t help.”
“Don’t buy Chipotle every day.”
“Don’t sleep here during finals week. Ever.”

Don’t eat Chipotle every day, do your work, and don’t take Biology casually – got it. But maybe don’t pay too much attention to the little bit about Chipotle. They’re God’s burritos.

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