The most BU things to happen in 2015

It’s been one heck of a year

Every year we have the opportunity to look back and remember everything that happened, and so far, it’s been a big year for BU.

Thanks to social media, we present to you in no particular order, a review of 2015 at BU

We wanted Shia LaBeouf to speak at graduation at the beginning of the semester, and we still want him now

BU rescinded Bill Cosby’s honorary degree, finally

Questrom got its first gender neutral restroom

We beat Cornell at Red Hot Hockey this Thanksgiving break. I mean, of course we did

There was a Halloween fire at Myles, and Mugar was evacuatedtwice

Marsh Plaza was occupied more than twice this year

A die-in for Palestine, support for Mizzou, protesting the impeachment of student government officials, and a Vigil for Peace.

BU students got together and showed how much they really care about issues around the world, like in Paris

Trombone-playing terrier Andrew Lumbert proved what a winner he is

BU Dining Services has been such a gem on Twitter

Ben and Jerry’s came to feed us for free

All kinds of cars were on campus, mainly the pizza Lambo, and the bootmobile

We came together at Kenmore to mourn the loss of Melvin, may he rest in peace

Jimmy Fallon came to Boston

Not really a BU thing, but a Tab reporter was there to see it.

A Norovirus managed to spread from Chipotle food to a lot of BC kids…and one of our own. 

Last but not least, BU was and is, still better than BC

Have a Happy New Year, terriers!
