Hannah and Benedict Townsend: We spoke to the TikTok famous couple that met at Uni of York

If only we all could find our future spouses at Goodricke pre drinks

You may recognise them from TikTok, or perhaps from Scroll Deep.

Hannah and Benedict Townsend are all over our For You Pages at the minute, and are known for cracking us up on their podcast, Talk of the Townsends. The married couple live in London with their cat and are on the road to becoming the internet’s new favourite parents.

Move over Zalfie, because this adorable and witty couple have a combined following of 395.9k on their separate TikTok accounts and 17.1k on their podcast account @talkofthetownsends.

But what you might not know is that the married couple actually met whilst they were both studying at the University of York.

Benedict and Hannah spoke to The York Tab about their days at Goodrick College parties, how they survived Freshers’ Week and everything in between.

Benedict and Hannah met at a Goodricke College pre drinks

Before blowing up online, the Townsends met when Hannah was in her first year and Benedict in his second at the University of York.

Benedict explained how they both were in the college, but  that they didn’t ever bump into each other until one night at a mutual friend’s pre drinks.

He said: “Hannah and I met in my second year and her first, at a friend’s predrinks. We were both in Goodricke but hadn’t met yet.”

They were impartial to a boogie in Kuda

Benedict and Hannah actually went to Kuda together the night they met, and continued to hit it off there too, where they discovered they had a lot in common.

Benedict said: “We got chatting and spent all night talking on the Kuda dance floor.”

Who would have thought that Kuda could produce such a successful relationship? Lol.

But despite their chemistry, Benedict and Hannah actually just became incredibly close friends after their initial meeting: “We were close friends for years and then became a couple in 2019 and got married in 2022!”

The Uni of York sometimes gets a bad rep for romantic potential, but these two have proved that it is possible and that sometimes you don’t even realise that you have met your future partner, until a bit later down the line.

Benedict and Hannah are still super close with their uni friends

Not only did they find each other, but Benedict explained how the friends he made at the University of York continue to be his close friends to this day.

Benedict explained how they recently travelled to Greece for the wedding of his friend from university, proving that friends you meet at uni can be for the long run: “We’re actually in Greece right now for the wedding of our friend Hanna who we met at York! Just goes to show that even a decade on, the friends you make at uni can be for life.”

I’m not crying, you are.

They even loved Long Boi

The couple were big fans of Long Boi and were just as hurt as the rest of the community when news of his passing broke. They said: “We’d like to say RIP Long Boi. Forever in our hearts, forever nipping at the ankles of the world.” I couldn’t have said it any better myself, frankly.

Their advice to all the freshers this year?

When it came to advice for new York freshers, Benedict was candid and urged students to take every opportunity. He said: “My advice for Freshers would be to be as open to other people and new experiences as you can because you meet so many cool and interesting people from all walks of life at York.” How very wise.

It’s hard to believe that this couple, who people love to watch online, would have ceased to exist if it wasn’t for the Uni of York.

They make up a very wholesome love story, from a very wholesome uni and I am so here for it. Next time you’re at a random pres, make an effort to mingle because who knows, they may just be the right person for you (or they could be an awful mistake, but hey its a 50/50 chance). I’m starting to sound like Hugh Grant at the beginning of Love Actually, claiming “If you look for it, love actually is all around” but the Townsends have proved it to be true, even in Kuda.

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Featured images via Instagram (@hannahgtown)