
Why Med is so not worth it

Overpriced entry, monumental queues, and appalling music. Why does anyone even go to Med?

The Hangover

For those of you who don’t remember what happened at AU last night, here’s our rough guide.

Songs of Haze

Researchers at LJMU are concerned Katy Perry isn’t warning us of the dangers of binge drinking.

AU Having A Laugh?

Legendary AU night will now be held at Liverpool’s new ‘superclub’ Aura

Fresher’s Week: Expectations vs. Reality

Fresher’s has a lot to live up to…

A Fresher’s Essential Guide

Survival tips for your first week of freedom

Liverpool Nightlife: The Aftermath

The good, the bad and the downright ugly of a standard night out in the ‘pool.

Party and Bullshit

Liverpool ranked one of the best cities for nightlife. Again.

Three’s A Crowd

Success at AU:drunken snaps and a cheeky little foursome (you heard).