
Who is Cambridge’s hottest PILF?

VOTE NOW for Cambridge’s Hottest Punter.

PILF of the week

Meet Louis of King’s Parade. The Tab’s first ever PILF of the Week

Debate: The Only Limit to Female Success is Female Ambition

Culture Editor JOE BATES sees feminism triumph in the form of Katie Price. Bet you never thought you’d read that!

Union Reveals Raciest Lineup Yet

A defendant of worldwide sex scandals, the host of the craziest show on earth, and Katie Price: it can only be the Union’s Lent line-up.

Best Comments: Week Four

Curious as to how Bambi spawned the idea of MILF? Look no further than this week’s best comments…

Agony Aunt: MILFs and other opportunities.

L&L are back, answering all your love and sex woes. Mainly sex woes.