ADC theatre


JACK EMMINS is left uninspired by an evening of comedy that, though funny, has been done many times before.

MaD: Monologues & Duologues

FRANCESCA HILL found this selection of new material partly surreal, partly underwhelming.


HANNAH MIRSKY is impressed by an evening that tries to take the pretension out of poetry.

A Streetcar Named Desire

LEYLA HAMID and CHLOE COLEMAN are blown away by a sparkling production of Williams’ classic.

Esio Trot

HANNAH MIRSKY recommends this occasionally smug but always charming production of Roald Dahl’s great tale.

Burnt by the Sun

AMI JONES finds this play just little bit too Muller-lite.

Footlights Smoker

Sins are committed both on- and off-stage for BASIL FRANCIS this week.

Theatre Guide Dog: Week 7

Need some good misery to roll around in? Fear not, THE THEATRE GUIDE DOG will point the way.

Style File: Boys In The Band

The Boys are coming…

Footlights Smoker

KIERAN CORCORAN doesn’t say ‘mixed bag’, because that’s not really what it was.

New Life Breathed Into Corpus

The Corpus Playroom, Cambridge’s most popular small theatre venue, will receive a £100k revamp and switch management over the summer vacation.

Theatre Guide Dog: Week 5

THE THEATRE GUIDE DOG holds the fort while you scribble away at your scripts. A few people are still using the other kind of script this week, and here they are.

Dead Poets

AMI JONES takes her own miniature Odyssey to the ADC; but these strange islanders could do with some better lotos-plants. Also, you should read The Odyssey.

Prepare To Meet Thy Tomb

PETE WILKES takes this cheerfully murderous farce as evidence that the John Lewis Cambridge Drama Group have a well-stocked Theatre Department.

I Found My Horn

One actor, one reviewer. AMI JONES sounds off about a lateshow with sloppy moments that redeems itself by the end.


Sports Editor JONNY SINGER gives a post-match report on the first five-star show of the term.

Sexual Perversity In Chicago

TABATHA LEGGETT squirms and laughs her way through a play which could be justifiably (for once) described as a ‘romp’. But isn’t.

All My Sons

The high intensity of this faintly simian production makes ABI BENNETT cry. In a good way.

Theatre Guide Dog: Week 2

THE THEATRE GUIDE DOG knows what you’re up to. But he’ll play along, for now. Loyal, right?

Once Upon a Dream

ABBIE SAUNDERS gets all animated over a musical Disney binge. She may even have been singing along.