The ultimate hangover map

We’ve got your hangover covered

To the uninitiated fresher, the cosy side streets and avenues of Aberystwyth’s town centre can be confusing – especially if you’ve smacked into the same lamp post three times trying to find your way home at 6am.

Your friends are nowhere to be found and cabs to take you back to wherever you want to go (which you’re yet to decide) are equally sparse.

There you have it, your hangover guide

The only thing you have to your name is that girl’s number from Yoko’s and the remnants of a Lip Licking plastered to your face.

But once you’ve slept it all off and those cravings kick in, where do you go to satisfy your hangover?

Caffi Morgan, Terrace Road

First stop, Caffi Morgan

After an unexpected closure late last year, Caffi Morgan is open every morning from 8:00am for breakfast.

Here you can fill your poor, depleted stomach with good food again and be safe inside from the bemused looks of the public. A quick walk away from the bus station and taxi rank, and back into bed.

Best place for: German cuisine in the middle of Wales

Avoid if: You suffer from chlorophobia – fear of the colour green – as it takes up most of the décor

Prices: £4 – £6 for full breakfasts

Commodore Cinema, Bath Street

Sit back and relax

The Commodore, despite its screen often being graced by the less inspired of movies for several weeks at a time, offers an antidote to chain cinemas everywhere.

It doesn’t look much from the outside, but with its classic red décor and cheap tickets, you can’t go wrong.

It’s best to queue early as doors open at 7pm for 7.30pm showings, but that’s only if you can handle the crowds in your hungover state.

Best place for: Cheap popcorn

Avoid if: People spilling cheap popcorn into your row sends you into a murderous rage

Prices: £5 per student ticket, £3 for largest popcorn bucket

Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Penglais Campus

Or the ‘arty’ alternative

If blockbusters aren’t your thing and you actually managed to make it back to campus, Aber Uni’s Arts Centre has a smaller cinema for the movies chains wouldn’t touch with a ten foot… chain.

This cinema plays host to more senior citizens than students, but it’s definitely more relaxing.

Above it is a cafe and below it is a gallery, where staring dead-eyed at a bronze statue for half an hour can be considered being overcome by creative spirit, rather than just being irresponsibly hungover.

If you can get up the hill…

Best place for: Arthouse

Avoid if: You think “Arthouse” is the place Neil Buchanan from Art Attack lives

Prices: £5.50 per student ticket

Royal Pier Arcade, Marine Terrace

Arcade, anyone?

Aber’s Royal Pier is like the Greek Hydra of good times. Cut off its doughnut shop and two bars, a pizza place and a snooker room takes its place. If you’ve recovered enough that you know which end of a snooker cue is which, it’s one of the best places to play.

During the hours actual functioning members of the public grace the pier, it is home to that other more acceptable vice: gambling.

What better way to recover from the first of many Death Stars than by surrounding yourself with bright lights and loud slot machines? Waste away the hours in front of those ones that are full of pennies and 10ps, and think about your choices.

Best place for: Dance Dance Revolution

Avoid if: Looking out of the windows at the calm waves below is likely to cause an evacuation

Prices: Varies depending on your devotion to winning a stuffed animal. Defeat is not an option

Constitution Hill and Cliff Railway

One of the must-do things of Aber

Constitution Hill looks out over the town, allowing you to escape from the crowded streets and the 15 page essay you were due to hand in five hours ago.

There is also a bar at the top, if you insist on getting your day drink on (and you know you do).

Best place for: Group photos of the lads with your Aber in the background

Avoid if: Heights worsen your nausea

Prices: £3.50 for a return trip on the railway

Lip Licking Fried Chicken, Pier Street

The notorious Lip Lickin’

You’ve heard the whispers and you’ve heard the renditions of “Bohemian Rhapsody” into which their names are incorporated spilling out of pubs across town.

Most of Lip Licking’s menu options are under £5, so it’s a cheaper alternative to the standard corporate fried chicken outlets you can find in the town – and it’s directly between Aber’s most popular student spots, Pier Pressure and Yoko’s.

It’s time to forget the hype and accept as much garlic mayo and melted cheese into your life as your uncoordinated hands can carry. No one is judging you.

“The little guy with the hat” – Mr Lip Lickin’

Best place for: Fast and cheap fast food at all hours

Avoid if: You have a calorie-counting app on your phone. You will not like the results

Prices: Most meal options average at £3.60 – £4

PD’s Diner, Marine Terrace

“Sod off seagulls”

All the classics of the seafront cafe, as well as some menu options to please even the fussiest of eaters.

PD’s avoided being swept up by the ocean during January’s storms and boy aren’t we glad. It provides food at reasonable prices and respite for the drooling survivors of Vodka Tuesdays.

Unfortunately, the much loved PD’s Diner shuts up shop for winter.  Doors open along with the good weather.  You’ve just got to trust us about how amazing this place is.

The wonderful PD’s team

Best place for: Tide-watching and dog-spotting

Avoid if: Seagulls and pigeons staring at you while you eat makes you a little nervous

Prices: Signature fish and chips for £4.95

The Seafront

Take a minute around sunset on the promenade in Aberystwyth to look at all the cameras getting pulled out – phone cameras, film cameras, SLRs with lenses that look like bazookas.

Summer nights on the seafront are endlessly picturesque and calming, and a great way to unwind, even if your head feels like a marching band set it on fire.

Catch the sunset for the ultimate pick-me-up

Best place for: The best sunset around

Avoid if: You get camera lens envy

Prices: Free

Now you have no excuse to mope around your match-box room, hungover and depressed.  Get out, don’t waste the day and use our experience and knowledge to fight the day.