Ouch! Here’s how much loan the average Liverpool student has left after paying rent
How are we supposed to survive in this economy if it’s less than the price of a coffee and a sweet treat?
There’s no need to panic, but with extortionate rent prices rising across the city, and maintenance loans only being increased by 3.1 per cent in September, it’s safe to say that students in Liverpool are officially skint.
And I don’t mean that in a Tuesday night at Peacock and Moloko kind of way either.
New statistics show that on average, students living in the North West of England only have a disturbingly little amount of their maintenance loans left after paying their rent to their landlords and accommodation companies.
If you’re a first year student currently looking for your shared house in time for September, I’m wishing you nothing but good vibes and strength to get through this crisis.
StuRents, the housing company we’re all familiar with by this point, has shared that student rent prices across the UK are set to rise by almost 10 per cent next year. As if living in Smithdown wasn’t expensive enough as it is, right?
It turns out that the average student living in Liverpool only has a slither of their loans leftover to maintain themselves after sending off their rent payments.
£6.38 to be exact.
With that not even being enough to buy two meal deals before you head into the Sydney Jones, students are now desperate to find other means and ways to navigate their spending and saving to top up their loan funds – or lack of.
This also impacts anyone at universities in Manchester, Lancaster and Chester.
Nick Hillman, director of the Higher Education Policy Institute, said that maintenance support packages are “nothing like enough” due to the student rents going up “significantly higher” than the Government maintenance loan.
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He said: “The Government is increasing maintenance by 3.1 per cent and you can see that rent is going up very significantly higher.
He explained that “the shortfall between how much money students need to live on and how much money they’ve actually got in their pocket is getting bigger”.
Students living across the map in the North East are also living on a mere £2.63 after paying their rent, according to StuRent’s survey in 2024.
For context, the maximum student loan you can recieve for the 2024/25 academic year in Liverpool is £10,277 while living away from home. This means that your landlords are taking a huge chunk of the money you’re supposed to be able to live off in your day-to-day lives.
StuRents’ head of research, Richard Ward, said “for the majority of students, their maintenance loan won’t cover both their rent and basic living costs”.
I think I can guarantee we’re all waiting for the day rent prices drop and we can actually afford a mid-lecture coffee or a quad vod in Hatch on a Wednesday.