What your favourite pub in Bristol says about you
Forget Pisces or Cancer, are you a White Bear or a Hope and Anchor?
Move over star signs, your favourite drinking spot reveals a lot about yourself, and probably a lot more accurately. Leaving out student favourites like Steam and every version of Spoons, I’m focusing on the smaller pubs that don’t attract such a vanilla audience (if you’re annoyed Steam has been missed out, re-evaluate your life choices).
1. Hope and Anchor
The Hope and Anchor is the perfect pub for making you think you’re on a night out without having to leave the comfort of the pub. You’re definitely someone who thinks they have some of the best and most original taste, even if it’s mainstream. You buy charity shop scarves, have multiple pairs of sambas and swear you had a fur jacket before everyone else.
You might be basic, but at least you’ve got decent pub taste.
2. The White Bear
An ASS warrior you always reward yourself with a pint after a sensory overload in the library, using alcohol to get you through exam season. You definitely live at the top of St Micheal’s Hill and love using your society discount. Super social, you love nothing more than a good gossip even if it’s about people you don’t know.
3. Cat and Wheel
Objectively cool. You think Gloucester Road is the best place in Bristol, and you always know the best events to go to. A pub trip is never complete if you haven’t had a game of pool and you treat Guinness like a religion. You like to think you’re a local – shame the Surrey accent gives it away.
4. Channings
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Someone who loves the outdoors, you’ll be found in a pub garden all year round, still hanging onto the feeling summer gave you. Not a huge clubber, you love a chill night with a drinking game, making sure you’re in bed by 10 for your morning run on the Downs. Living in Clifton you buy all your food from M&S and use Berlioz as your study music – you probably have a pair of Birkenstocks too.
5. The Bell
An avid DJ you came to Bristol for the music scene and the music scene only. You treat 9ams as optional and will never be seen in the library, working at night if you have to get anything done. Your decks are your most prized possession and your year revolves around Boomtown. You’ll also have hearing loss by the time you’re 30.
6. The White Harte
A massive sports fan, you spend more time at Coombe Dingle than in uni and never skip a sports social. You think your society quarter zip is the peak of fashion, wearing it everywhere, especially in your hometown. Terrorising freshers is one of your favourite hobbies and you’ve spent multiple evenings either painted green or wearing a swimming cap (or both!).
7. The Bag of Nails
Not a huge pub person, you go here for the cats and to feel closer to the pet you left at home. Instagram obsessed, you love photographing your every move and probably have over 100 photos of the Wills Vuilding in your camera roll. Half of your weekly budget gets spent in the Senate Source Cafe and definitely treat your Vinted account like a small business.
8. The Cori Tap
Insanely competitive, you’re always up for a challenge, especially if it’s drinking related (we know you survived 10 before 10). The life of the party, you like to see where the night takes you, even if that’s to Lizard Lounge. To you, a night in is a night wasted.
9. Allstars
This is no one’s favourite pub and if it is, you need to seriously re-evaluate your life choices. I hope your pillow is warm on both sides and that the authenticator comes up every time you log in to Blackboard. Get some help.
10. The Crown
Ending on a nicer note, you live for chaos, in the best way possible. You treat the pub like your own personal fashion show and never go for “just a quick pint.” Your digital camera is the best purchase you’ve ever made and you can’t go anywhere without your lighter, even if you don’t smoke. You avoid the Triangle like the plague and wouldn’t be caught dead in Daisy’s.