Omg! Interviewer gives Lady Gaga a brutal note from their six year old and it’s utterly savage
‘I like you but you’re not the best’
When Lady Gaga rocked up for her massive profile with ELLE to promote her just-announced album Mayhem, I am fairly certain she hadn’t planned for her to be utterly, brutally humbled by a disgruntled six year old. And yet, that’s what happened. ELLE writer Lotte Jeffs profiled Lady Gaga and gave the pop superstar a handwritten note from their six year old daughter, who was absolutely furious that the Gaga interview had disrupted her social plans with her mum. This savage note handed bluntly to Lady Gaga will honestly go down as one of the funniest pop culture moments of the year.
In a section of the Elle profile, Lady Gaga is discussing her family plans with her fiancé Michael Polansky. Lotte Jeffs warns Gaga that kids have a way of humbling you beyond belief and bringing you right back down to earth. Sensing it was a safe place to do so, Jeffs gave Lady Gaga a handwritten note from their daughter, who is six. And the child was brutal.
“Lady Gaga. I like you but you’re not the best. And by the way can I hare that song of yours sounds like your desperate to show it me” is the utter scripture we can see, in a pic kindly posted to Instagram by Lotte Jeffs. Truly, only kids could be so unfiltered. At first I read that as “I hate that sound of yours sounds like you’re desperate” – but the kid was not that savage. She spared Gaga some dignity at least.
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Jeffs says in the Elle story that Gaga loved the note and thought it was “hilarious”. She pocketed it for the moments in her life where she might be getting “too big for her boots”. How iconic.
Lotte Jeffs said they were grateful Lady Gaga had such a good sense of humour and the savage note went down well – it would have been a disaster if it backfired.
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On their Instagram, Lotte Jeffs explained “It being the weekend, I’d just come from taking my six year old daughter to the Clip ‘n’ Climb at the O2 arena. As I waited in the record label’s reception I wondered if I’d be able to shift gears and get myself into the right frame of mind to connect, I hoped meaningfully, with a global pop superstar.”
Jeffs’ daughter was apparently livid that the afternoon of plans was cut short for Lady Gaga’s benefit. Which meant no toy shop trip. Honestly, she’s so real for that.
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