Traitor behaviour! Here are the biggest red flags of The Traitors season three contestants
Linda’s terrible acting is red flag number one
It’s safe to say that The Traitors, the BBC’s thrilling game show of trust, psychology and deception, has us all glued to our TV screens each January.
It’s truly addictive and each year without fail, the contestants taking part in the show charm (or irritate!) the nation with their quirks. This year’s contestants are no exception. And there are plenty of glaring red flags that are evident in each of this year’s contestants.
So, in my best attempt to expose Traitor behaviour, here are all The Traitors season three cast red flags.
Alex – keeping too low of a profile throughout the game

via BBC
Now, I understand that the amount of airtime that the contestants get isn’t entirely their fault. Alex’s low profile so far throughout this series has meant that we’ve barely seen or heard enough from him yet, even though he was correct in his suspicions about Armani being a Traitor.
Perhaps silence isn’t *always* golden, Alex…
Alexander – his inability to control his facial expressions
Before his stint on the show, I feel that Alexander really should have listened a little closer to Lady Gaga’s words of wisdom. Why, you might ask? Because his poker face during the Death Match game was…non-existent, to say the least.
Anna – her bright outfit choices

via BBC
It’s safe to say that Anna has caught the eyes of viewers at home with her colourful (and honestly quite wacky) outfits.
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And even though Anna is truly a Faithful, it’s like she’s trying way too hard to appear the least Traitorous as possible through her love of bright colours and fun accessories. Ironically, this *is* Traitorous behaviour to me, and it raises an instant red flag.
Armani – lecturing other Traitors about her strategy and then getting banished straight afterwards
I have to admit, I audibly gasped during the episode of The Traitors when Armani instructed her fellow Traitors to be more assertive and outspoken among the rest of the contestants. This proved to be very ironic for Armani, whose over-confident approach to the game, and her self-proclaimed status as the “leader” of the Traitors, ultimately led to her own banishment from the game.
Armani’s blatant (yet entertaining) misjudgement of her own gameplay strategy throughout her stint on the game show is her most obvious and glaring red flag. I mean, strutting so confidently into a Round Table discussion after telling your fellow Traitors to up their game a bit, and then being banished from the castle the same night not only makes for great television, but raises one of the biggest red flags I have ever raised when it comes to The Traitors.
Maybe Armani should have taken a leaf out of *my* book and judged the strategies of her fellow players a lot better…
Charlotte – putting on a fake accent for the show
When you first listened to Charlotte chat with her fellow contestants, you may have naturally assumed that she was Welsh born and bred (she has a clear Welsh accent, and bonded with Elen over her Welsh upbringing). Until, that is, she revealed directly to the camera in a confessional that her strategy was to fake a Welsh accent in order to come across more “trustworthy” and friendly.
While this might have seemed like a smart move at first glance, I now consider this to be Charlotte’s red flag, as she clearly doesn’t understand that when under stress, she will surely forget to fake her accent and her natural London accent will emerge?
Dan – his extremely unique style of gameplay
It was clear from the outset that Dan’s approach to playing The Traitors was a little different from everyone else’s. Throughout the missions (in which it is generally expected that everyone works as a team to add money to the prize pot), Dan’s approach was to play the game solely to protect himself.
Anyone who seems to have an easy time metaphorically throwing their nearest and dearest friends under the bus is bound to arouse suspicions of Traitor behaviour. Yes, it’s how the game works, but Dan made it a little too obvious, and that is his biggest red flag.
Elen – being too obvious about her feminist view of the Traitors
Translator Elen was booted off of the show by her fellow contestants after she voiced her belief that there were “strong female Traitors” present at the Round Table. And while this belief of hers was correct, her red flag was when she announced this in front of everybody without considering that this passing comment might be her greatest downfall, even as a Faithful.
Even though I love Elen’s feminist view of strong women as Traitors, who openly tells everyone at the Round Table that there might be “strong female Traitors” when they are a strong character and female themselves?
A fatal mistake, Elen. Or, should I say, camgymeriad angheuol, Elen…
Fozia – being too obvious about her smarts in front of the Traitors
As soon as she realised that the accusations surrounding Kas were becoming “personal” in nature, Fozia was quick to call out the spite behind these unfair accusations against Kas that left him feeling ostracised from the group, and defenceless. In my opinion, Fozia was such a queen at her first Round Table.
However, to the Traitors, Fozia’s talent at deciphering the emotion and reason behind certain comments and actions would prove her to be a very real threat to their deceptive behaviours.
Frankie – her misunderstandings about who to banish
This might seem harsh, but I feel that Frankie misunderstood the whole point of her task as a Faithful. In this game, just because you don’t like someone, it doesn’t automatically make them a Traitor, no mater how much it satisfies you to think of them as one of the show’s villains.
I feel that Frankie’s misguided approach to playing the game is her most glaring red flag, and she even admitted that she didn’t necessarily vote out Dan based on a belief that he was a Traitor.
Freddie – being too easy of a target for the Traitors
Throughout the series so far, politics student Freddie has come under fire from multiple other contestants for various reasons. From being falsely framed as a Traitor as a consequence of the murder of Livi, to calling-out the “clique” of Leon, Leanne, Livi and Tyler, and accusing them of all rallying against him to get him banished from the show, Freddie has aroused the suspicions of his fellow Faithfuls.
However, I feel that Freddie has been just too vulnerable to the ploys of the Traitors so far this series.
Jack – his excessive selflessness during the game
All I can say is, poor Jack.
First, he sacrificed himself in the very first episode by being one of three contestants that selflessly stepped off of the train, allowing his fellow contestants to (finally) commence the game. Secondly, he was the only one that wasn’t freed from a cage dangling from the trees in the episode where the other players had to choose between him, Fozia, and Alexander to return to the game.
Jake – being too sacrificial in the missions
Jake’s biggest red flag is the opposite of Dan’s.
His unrelenting selflessness throughout the missions, while a considerate gesture to his fellow Faithfuls, is one of the easiest Traitors season three cast red flags – there is a naivety in not understanding that the other contestants will likely be acting selfishly throughout the missions to protect themselves from murder and collect protective items such as shields, regardless of if they are Faithful or a Traitor.
Joe – his inability to analyse people (despite being an English teacher)
Now this one is just ironic. Situational irony, to be more specific, and to surely impress Joe, who is an English teacher. Because, for a job that’s all about analysing characters and events, fictional or otherwise, Joe doesn’t seem to be *that* skilled at successfully analysing who is a Faithful and who is a Traitor, which is an all too obvious glaring red flag in my eyes.
So far, Joe has been very outspoken about his views on who arouses his suspicions at the Round Table, and he was very forthcoming with his (incorrect) opinion that Kas was definitely a Traitor because one, he is a doctor, two, he is a nice person, and three, he has a “glimmer in his eye”.
Full marks for me for this analysis?
Kas – raising one too many toasts (one unfortunate toast!) at the breakfast table
We have to take into account what the current contestants (ahem, Joe) might consider to be a red flag, because I genuinely couldn’t think of one for on my own. I guess I needed some wildly inaccurate assumptions from this series’s Faithfuls to help me out with this one…
However, Kas did not consider that by raising a toast at the breakfast table, he would make himself stand out. He deserved better!
Keith – his questionable spelling skills
There are a lot of red flags from the The Traitors season three cast, but contestants have made plenty of hilarious spelling mistakes over the years. This series, Keith was perhaps best known for his misspelling of Nathan’s name as “Nather”.
Every time I see a screenshot of Keith with his chalkboard at the Round Table that reads “Nather”, I am reminded of the hilarious spelling mistakes of previous series, like “Charlot” for Charlotte, and “Brain” for Brian, from last series.
Leanne – basically owning a permanent shield
Ok, so Leanne has had two shields in a row at one point in this game. Fair enough – she has proven herself to be skilled at missions, and luck has naturally been on Leanne’s side throughout this series, it seems.
However, whether the outcome of Leanne’s two consecutive shields has resulted from skill or luck (actually both), her good luck so far has been suspiciously too good, I have to say. Traitorously too good, I might add? A red flag from me!
Leon – over exaggerating his reactions to the cards in Death Match
He might be just a self-proclaimed “humble guy who sells mobile phones”, but, like Linda, Leon really needs to work on his acting skills.
His biggest red flag for me was the over-exaggerated reactions to his cards in Death Match. I mean, wouldn’t it be more subtle and effective to try and keep a poker face rather than overdramatise your acting and end up making it look really unconvincing?
Linda – her questionable acting skills
This is the biggest Traitors season three cast red flag – I didn’t even have to think twice.
Throughout the current series of the show, Linda has undoubtedly proven herself to be one of the most iconic contestants…but not necessarily for the right reasons. In particular, Linda has become infamous among viewers of the show due to her flawed acting skills, and making it a little *too* obvious that she might be a Traitor.
Oh, and by the way, “who the HELL is not gonna come back!?”
Linda, it seems.
Lisa – her underwhelming announcements to the other contestants
During a recent episode of The Traitors, Anglican priest Lisa revealed her occupation to her fellow contestants after pretending to have a different occupation. And to be honest, the reactions from her fellow contestants were underwhelming, but I’m not entirely sure what Lisa was expecting, so this is a red flag from me.
I noticed from the very start of the series that Lisa always wears a cross necklace, and her infamous reference to God in one of the series’s early episodes would have made it obvious to me that Lisa was at least a religious woman. In that case, how was Lisa expecting the other contestants to react?
Livi – overly defensive at the Round Table
Throughout her time on the show, I feel that Livi was just too defensive at the Round Table. From her heated arguments with Freddie, to storming out of the Round Table when Tyler got banished from the castle, Livi’s approach to playing the game was perhaps guided too much by emotion, and not enough by logic.
I feel that Livi became too defensive whenever anyone brought up her name as a potential Traitor, both at the Round Table and away from the Round Table, and therefore this naivety and over-defensiveness on Livi’s part is her biggest, most glaring red flag.
Maia – her sister’s exposure as a Traitor
Armani getting caught as a Traitor directly threw Maia under the spotlight for the Traitors, in the sense that the producers of the show would likely only suggest that one of two sisters playing the game should be a Traitor, and therefore this makes it very likely that the other sister would have to be a Faithful.
In other words, as it was becoming increasingly obvious that Maia was a Faithful, she was an easy murder for the remaining Traitors, so, in a way, Armani’s downfall as a Traitor was Maia’s biggest downfall as a Faithful, which is why this is Maia’s biggest red flag.
Minah – the rhetoric behind the (failed) Traitor recruitment
Since Minah has proven herself to be a skilled Traitor so far, it was difficult to spot her red flag (but I finally found one!). It is now clear that Minah might be taking the “sisterhood” of the Traitors a little too seriously, and this is evident through the vague and unconvincing rhetoric behind her and Linda’s attempt to recruit Anna into their “sisterhood”.
Upon reading that the Traitors wanted to recruit her as she is a “strong, independent woman”, Anna broke down in tears as she confessed her rejection of the offer to the camera. My question is, how did Anna not clock that the Traitors’ attempt at empowering, feminist rhetoric might reveal the current Traitors’ identities as other women? It was the most cunning but flawed cast red flag on The Traitors season three.
Nathan – not talking to every other contestant on the show
Nathan was the first Faithful to be banished from the Round Table this series, and I feel that this was due to his quiet and reserved nature while he was on the show. During the Round Table discussion just before his banishment, I noticed that a lot of the other contestants were pointing out that he was a little too quiet and hadn’t spoken to all of them yet. Being the quietest out of all the The Traitors season three cast is a red flag.
Tyler – becoming too popular among the contestants
Out of all The Traitors season three red flags, Tyler’s was actually how popular he was with the other contestants.
Becoming too popular among your fellow contestants can land you in more suspicion and trouble than you might initially think.
Yin – reading a book as soon as she sets foot in the castle
A good tip for the Faithfuls to remember is that the Traitors tend to murder those whom they think are clever and will suss them out the quickest. So I feel that heading straight to the library to read a book once she arrived at the Scottish castle wasn’t the best move for Yin to make that early on in the series.