Here are five ways to motivate yourself to write your dissertation

Because we can’t trust the January motivation to flow forever

It’s official. Dissertation season is here. And not, choose a question, come up with rough ideas dissertation season. Actual dissertation writing season. It’s safe to say that ten thousand words looming over my head is not the best motivation kickstarter. Hopefully these tricks might give you (and me) that little extra push.

1. Writing in parallel

Starting with a practical tip from my supervisor, writing each section alongside each other, instead of starting at the first section, finishing it and moving onto the next. By writing a bit of one section, then a bit of another, not only will your writing be more cohesive, but it will also combat writer’s block.

2. Make distractions unappealing

Are you that person in the library, laptop open, Google Docs waiting, yet doom scrolling TikTok? Me too. Allow yourself that time, but make it unfulfilling. Sure, have your TikTok break, but you have to do it on the floor! Yeah, you can chat to your friend but you have to go outside and do it in the cold. Soon those distractions will not be worthwhile.

3. Hold each other accountable

Tell your friends what you plan to get done that week, and if you don’t, give them permission to ban you from doing something. E.g. you didn’t draft section one, well no pub quiz for you. You didn’t do your lit review, you’re banned from the sweet treat run.

4. Coffee crawl

There’s so many cafes in York, and if you’re like me, you’ll have a notes page on your phone with all the ones you want to try. With graduation looming, you can’t miss out on exploring the city while you still can. Choose two or three cafes and work for an hour in each. This could even be your reward on a Friday study sesh for getting through the week.

5. Routine, routine, routine

I know people say this a lot, but it’s true. If you have set times to work (and stick to them) you will be more productive, and will have more free time (did someone say guilt free pint?). It doesn’t have to be nine to five but sticking to a schedule is the key to forming the habit of working.

But don’t forget, this is your last semester. Leave room for down time to bask in the city you’ve learned to call home. You can do this. Good luck!