Dean from I’m A Celeb addresses his beef with Alan and slams show’s ‘harsh’ editing

‘If you’re upset with someone, tell them’

Dean McCullough from I’m A Celeb has finally addressed the beef between him and Alan Halsall that took place on the show. Living in close proximity to 11 other celebrities is bound to cause some drama and upset in the camp, but Dean snapped when Alan tried to politely wake him up to help with his chores. It was all a bit of a messy understanding, but Dean has taken to social media to clear up what happened while Alan is still battling it out in the jungle.

On his Instagram story in a Q&A, Dean was asked by a follower: “Do you regret having a go at Alan? It was a bit harsh?

dean alan beef i'm a celeb

via Instagram

Dean responded: “You know, if you’re upset with someone, tell them, and let them respond, hear each other out, apologise, and move on. Like, it’s really, really not that deep. Alan and I got on so well. We were very very close in there.”

He continued to explain that it was made out to be a lot worse than it actually was: “It was just banter, day in, day out, so it felt quite normal for me to be like ‘you’ve upset me’ because that’s what I would expect him to do to me.”

He also said there was a lot more drama in the camp that wasn’t aired: “And there was plenty of situations like that in there where people were honest about how they felt and we moved on. There was no drama, there was no agg.”

He also slammed the show’s editing which made it look a lot more heated than it was.

“It probably looks harsher on TV, but in real life, it was like, it was over in a split second, and to me, that’s just life,” Dean said.

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