No ifs, no buts: This is an ultimate ranking of all the Gilmore Girls couples
Lane and Dave deserved better!
There are a LOT of relationships flying here there and everywhere in Gilmore Girls. It’s a constant battle deciding whether you’re a Dean, Jess or Logan girl when it comes to Rory but what about the rest of the cast? Naturally, if it’s anyone else other than Luke for Lorelai it’s a big glaring red flag and if it’s Christopher literally god help you.
But besides the two main characters, there are also a lot of other really wholesome relationships throughout the show. I mean, Sookie and Jackson kinda make me believe in love again and I cannot explain to you how much my heart aches for Lane and Dave.
So, these are all the Gilmore Girls couples ranked from worst to best:
14. Lorelai and Christopher

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I literally can’t even be bothered to waste my words on how much I despise Christoper. Trash. He does not deserve her! The scene where they tell Rory they got married? I feel sick just even thinking about it.
Okay yeah, your first love is cute, but that does NOT mean you need to carry on with a will they won’t they thing that messes with each other’s heads for literally decades. Just no.
13. Lorelai and Digger

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The fact that Digger sued her dad and nearly destroyed Lorelai and Luke’s relationship yet I still put them above Christopher should say a lot. Just bad vibes, but not as bad as Christopher. Also, why is he called Digger? Bad nickname. Don’t date your dad’s business partner kids x
12. Dean and Lindsay

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Dean acted like all he wanted was the perfect housewife (I’m getting horror flashbacks to the cringe episode of Rory dressing up as one, ew) and then when he finally gets one in Linday and they get married way too young he goes ahead and cheats on her with Rory. Shameful.
11. Lane and Zack

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Lane deserved better! Zack was just a rubbish replacement after Dave and her whole storyline with him just makes me sad. He is so snore and I’m not a fan.
10. Lorelai and Max

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The 1,000 daisies! I’m emotional! So naturally Lorelai’s soulmate has to be Luke, but behind him and out of all of Lorelai’s other boyfriends, Max has to come second. He was a bit boring though, wasn’t he and definitely treated Lorelai a bit like a child. Plus, dating the mother of one of your students is a little bit odd.
9. Paris and Doyle

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These two do not get enough love. The most underrated of all Gilmore Girls couples. Honestly, Paris and Doyle for President and Vice President. Imagine their power?? Icons. I was genuinely devastated at them getting a divorce in the reboot because these two are truly endgame.
8. Rory and Dean

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Still feel a bit ill at the thought of Rory calling him “my Dean” after sleeping with him as a MARRIED MAN. Truly the start of her downfall. Yeah they were sweet as far as first relationships go but Dean just doesn’t sit right with me as a human. He loses massive points for just not supporting her ambitions and being super manipulative. Also the whole dynamic between him and Lorelai is not spoken about enough it’s just so odd.
7. Babette and Moury

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Unsung heroes of Stars Hollow! Honestly, I want a spin-off of just these two as they don’t get nearly as much screen time as they deserve in the show.
6. Rory and Logan

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Minus the whole cheating with each other in the revival, Rory and Logan had a good relationship. She made him a better person and he genuinely adored her, always seeing the good in her. He appeared to be deeply in love with her – the rocket, the surprise trip back from London and being by her side when Richard had a heart attack. They also seemed to be great friends as well as in love which is always a bonus.
But he also was a spoiled and entitled brat and didn’t have the best influence on her sometimes (hello stolen boat) as well as proposing to her so she would move across the country for him and forget her own dreams.
5. Lane and Dave

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Another sorely underrated couple. I will be forever mourning what these two could have been. HE LITERALLY READS THE ENTIRE BIBLE IN ONE NIGHT FOR HER. Zack could never.
4. Sookie and Jackson

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These two really are just perfect for one another. I do think you’d find it hard to find literally anyone else as obsessed with produce as these two, enough to have constant arguments about it. There is something so sweet and comforting about their relationship and the picnic basket episode when they propose and realise she’s pregnant is one of the best of the whole series.
3. Rory and Jess

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“Living at your grandparent’s house, being in the DAR, dropping out of Yale? Why did you drop out of Yale?” really is my Roman Empire. So I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: THESE TWO SHOULD HAVE BEEN ENDGAME. Okay, they might have been a bit of a crap couple when they were actually together but you can tell he actually cared about her and understood her when Dean or Logan didn’t.
By the time he matured, because let’s be honest he was a bit insufferable as a teenager, Rory was too in love with Logan but these two would have been the most PERFECT couple. In my head, they reunite when they’re older and both sorted their shit out so let me have my fantasy, please.
2. Lorelai and Luke

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Of all the Gilmore Girls couples, these two made me believe in love all over again the most. Genuinely Luke and Lorelai forever. The man waited eight years for her and was a million times more of a father figure to Rory than Christopher ever was. Remember the character reference she wrote to him when he was trying to get custody of his daughter? “Once Luke Danes became my friend in this town, I never really felt alone,” literally sobbing. Or the time she serenaded him at karaoke? Obsessed.
But you’ve also got when Luke threw the massive going-away party for Rory or when he literally built Lorelai an ice-rink or kept the horoscope in his wallet for eight whole years. The will-they-won’t-they thing did go on for way, way too long but it was finally worth it in the end.
1. Emily and Richard

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Literally ULTIMATE couple goals. Okay yes, they have questionable morals as people sometimes but you cannot deny how much Richard and Emily love each other and form the backbone of literally the entire show. That whole period when they were separated? I refuse to watch it, it’s just not right. And don’t even get me started on the A Year in the Life episode of Richard’s death. It’s been years and it’s still way, way too soon. They’re soulmates and I love them.
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