These are the fancy private schools sending the most students to Oxbridge in 2024
Eton isn’t actually top!
The percentage of Oxford and Cambridge students who went to private school is, surprisingly, decreasing year on year.
In 2023, 28.2 per cent of Cambridge students are privately educated, leaving the other 71.8 per cent of students coming from a state school or grammar school. This is a decrease from last year when 30 per cent of Cambridge students went to private schools. And at Oxford, 31.4 per cent of students come from a private school leaving 68.6 per cent of students state or grammar school-educated.
But of course, there’s gotta be some private school siggie ring wearers to keep Oxbridge’s rah persona alive. Topping the list of the private schools dominating the Oxbridge offers is Westminster School, with a total of 81 Oxbridge offers. It costs up to £49,518 a year for students who board and it’s actually based inside the walls of Westminster Abbey, right next to the Houses of Parliament. Sorry, but can you imagine suffering through double maths and Rishi Sunak just coming waltzing past the window? Madness.

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But two state/grammar schools actually get more students to Oxbridge than any private school, including Eton and Westminster. Brampton Manor Academy in East London sent 89 students to Oxbridge, marking the first time a state school secured more Oxbridge offers than any private school. Also with more offers is Hills Road Sixth Form which secured 78 Oxbridge places for its students.
These are the private schools sending the most students to Oxbridge in 2024:
20. Cheltenham Ladies College – 17 offers
19. Oundle School – 18 offers
18. Alleyn’s School – 19 offers
17. Dulwich College – 20 offers
16. Wellington College – 20 offers
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15. Latymer Upper School – 21 offers
14. Manchester Grammar School – 21 offers
13. Sevenoaks School – 21 offers
12. Winchester College – 21 offers
11. St Paul’s School – 22 offers
10. Brighton College – 24 offers
9. North London Collegiate School – 24 offers
8. Magdalen College School – 26 offers
7. Wycombe Abbey School – 26 offers
6. Highgate School – 30 offers
5. The Perse School – 36 offers
4. King’s College School – 41 offers
3. St Paul’s Girl’s School – 46 offers
2. Eton College – 48 offers
1. Westminster School – 81 offers
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