Plan some festive baking and we’ll tell you which Lancaster society to join in 2024
Still never successfully made a gingerbread house…
We’re coming to the end of Quizmas! To get into the festive mood many people turn to baking to get them going. It can be a great way to spend time with your friends and make some yummy treats to take home for your family (or eat them all to yourself). Baking is a tough skill to master but whether you’re a seasoned pro or don’t even own a mixing bowl you can still have plenty of fun with flour and eggs.
Maybe you missed out on joining any societies this term and are having major FOMO, so here’s an opportunity to find out about some societies you may not have heard of and add them to your list for Refreshers. This is all based on vibes, so even if baking isn’t your thing, it can still tell you who you should check out next term. If not, then at least you could inspire your next festive baking session!