This is what you should dress up as for Halloween based on your UoN hall
It’s officially spooky season
With less than a week to go until Halloween, that can mean only one thing – panicked outfit planning. Do you actually commit to the group costume you’ve been talking about for weeks? Do you go out and spend an unreasonable amount of money on a costume? Do you grab an eyeliner, draw some whiskers on and call it a day? The options are endless.
Never fear, because we’re here to help. Whether you’ve been a student for years or if this is your first Halloween in Notts, your hall will forever be your defining trait as a UoN student. So, put down Pinterest and stop Googling “last-minute Halloween costumes”, because this is the definitive list of what you should dress up as depending on your UoN hall.
Ancaster – cat
Or bunny, or any other fluffy animal really. Ya basic Ancaster! It’s giving minimal thought and I feel like this outfit choice matches the posh girl vibe that Ancaster provides. That being said, you’re all probably very good fun on Halloween and can be found reapplying your whiskers in the bathroom.
Cripps – Barbie or Ken
I feel like I don’t really need to explain this one but I will. You’re all very “rah” over in Cripps. As a result you can be which ever Barbie you want – ski trip Barbie, gap yah Barbie, Surrey Barbie, whatever floats your boat. I’m envisaging a lot of couples costumes coming out of Cripps this year but hey, at least it’s a change from the quarter zips.
Rutland – skeleton
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My apologies to Rutland but the hall needs help. She’s struggling and you can tell. While it may be a little rundown and rough, that doesn’t mean it’s not fun. That being said, it really is hard to get over what it looks like. Because of this, it’s a skeleton – could do with dressing up but the bones are there.
Sherwood – clowns
We all know that Sherwood and Rutland are one of the same. The only difference is that people have actually heard of Rutland. As a result, it’s only right that you’d be clowns. Or you could just dress up as Rutland and achieve your dreams.
Derby – postman
Now this one I really don’t need to explain. When your defining feature is a post room, you gotta be a postman. You can even have a peak through the window for inspo.
Lincoln – Disney
Lincoln is pretty – a far cry from Rutland. You’re all very prim and proper and doctors and lawyers so it makes sense for you to have the classy outfits. I’m seeing couples costumes of Cinderella and Prince Charming, I’m seeing Snow White and the dwarves, I’ll even throw in some Pixar with Woody and the Toy Story gang. My only problem – it’s just not scary.
Lenton and Wortley – witches
You’re witches because you need some sort of magic to actually find out where this hall is. Rumour has it, they’re trying to get back on the map…again, you’re going to need some magic for that one.
Nightingale – group costume
This can be anything – maybe you’re crayons, maybe your Scooby Doo and the gang or maybe you’re different condiments. All I know is that people in Nightingale love Nightingale so what better way to celebrate this that all getting dressed up together.
Hugh Stewart – zombie
Oh Hu Stu, what a fall from grace you’ve had. What was once the “it” hall, is now closed for renovations and has been for the past year leading to an eerie atmosphere around the largely empty building. It only makes sense that anyone who went here should be dressed as a zombie. Much like Hugh Stewart when it reopens in 2024 and rises from the dead so to speak.
Willoughby – mummy
So here’s the thing, I didn’t even know Willoughby existed until recently which I think makes sense as to why they should all be mummies. Just not a lot going on.
Newark and Southwell – ghost
This applies to every Jubilee hall really. As a former resident of Newark and a die hard Jubilee gal, it pains me that people don’t know how fun we are. However, we are not main campus people and that, by default, means that we might as well be ghosts. Outside of the people in your own hall, no one knows who you are. In fact, they’re not even sure you really exist.
Off campus – mad scientist
Here’s the thing – I never lived in off campus accommodation but let me tell you, I’ve heard the stories. I don’t know what’s in the air when you’re not on campus but some of the stuff you get up to is off the charts. Maybe it’s the self catering making you all go a little crazy. You all believe that your accommodation is just better than everyone else’s, much like a mad scientist with their experiments.
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