Here’s exactly what your choice of supermarket food shop says about you as a Leeds student
Shame on you if it’s Hyde Park Sainsbury’s
As students, the price of a simple weekly food shop is a figure that often bring tears to the eye. There’s no arguing – watching the pounds rack up on the till is a sobering sight. Gone are the days of lazily perusing Aldi’s middle aisle; instead it’s a game of how low can the bill go.
However, even in the cozzie livs crisis, we all still have our favourite food shop destination that we stick to, which begs the questions – what does your chosen supermarket reveal about you?
Trusty Tesco. The nation’s supermarket sweetheart. You can’t go wrong with those Clubcard prices, let’s be honest. We all love a meal deal from here and argue with our friends about what snack we chose but unanimously still mourn the £3 meal deal days.
If you do your weekly shop here you must be a certified deal lover and a proud Clubcard owner. You probably feel an inordinate amount of joy when you see that yellow Clubcard price sign and get excited over the prospect of a bargain. You definitely treat yourself to Tesco’s Finest brands when you’re feeling a little sophisticated.
An underrated choice of supermarket. You definitely go to Morrisons by the Merrion Centre and most probably are in first year accommodation, near to the centre.
You feel like a proper adult shopping in the city and you are always looking out for the best deals. You don’t go overboard because you know you have to walk home after.
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You love a good deal and the weekly shop becomes almost bearable at these prices but you have to love a bit of chaos because it is always heaving in here. There’s a shared a sense of pride when you see other like-minded students getting their money’s worth – especially on the alcohol aisle.
You drive or you have strategically befriended someone with a car (who can afford an Uber there and back these days) and you definitely giggle to yourself at the witty Aldi own brand names when you see them.
You don’t mind the rapid fire speed of the checkout because you are efficient and just want your good deals as soon as possible, so you can get on with your day.
Another underrated choice of supermarket. You either go to the Kirkstall Asda after an Aldi shop to secure those branded items – because who doesn’t appreciate a bit of luxury in life – or you’re a sucker for the ASDA online deliveries thanks to the ease of the shopping being left right at your doorstep.
If Sainsbury’s is your go to supermarket you are most likely a second or third year who lives in the Hyde Park area and goes to the 24 hour Sainsbury’s for convenience, and you most definitely live off mummy and daddy’s money.
You don’t do a massive food shop, you get bits when you need a couple times a week so you can comfortably carry the goods home.
You are definitely tempted by the £3 wine for pre’s, and when a meal deal is right there on your doorstep… it would be rude not to.
You’re either a second year and shopping at Burley Co-op for convenience or you’re a first year who lives on campus, so you go to the Co-op in the Union because you simply cannot be bothered to walk any further.
Like Sainsbury’s stans, you rarely do your full food shop here; instead you just get ingredients for one or two meals and then repeat the process a few days later. You also probably treat yourself to the baked goods from the bakery section whilst you’re at it – after all, it’s hard work walking those few minutes to the Union….
C’mon what kind of student shops here. If you do, it must be for a very special occasion.