Nearly half of Exeter’s graduating students have no confirmed outcome of their degree
‘I’m in an indefinite, anxiety-filled limbo’
Exeter students in all years received their exam results last week. What should be a time filled with celebrations has turned into a time where students are “disappointed and unsettled”.
In an Exeter Tab survey taken by 189 students, we found that 48.7 per cent of graduating students had no confirmed outcome of their degree classification. In a further Instagram poll of 589 students, 42 per cent were missing dissertation marks.
The university has said that students will hear on 10th July, if not sooner, about their missing marks.
Yet, with only 36.5 per cent of students having received all their marks and confirmed classification results, this has left students feeling they are left in “an indefinite, anxiety filled limbo”.
Lucy, a third year student, told The Tab Exeter: “It’s a bit disappointing that after all us third years have been through, including having a rough first year with Covid, that now there is a chance we won’t even know what grade we will graduate with – let alone even have a certificate. I understand that striking is important for the professors but I just wish we weren’t the ones having to deal with the consequences, especially when it’s our futures at risk.”
George Warland, a third year geography student, emphasises Lucy’s frustrations, saying: “I think this whole thing has been a complete farce. Our first year was Covid. Last year and this year has been strikes. As far as I can work out this whole thing has been a total waste of money. [In] any other industry we would all have been entitled to some money back for this whole thing but for some reason, and I have a feeling it’s because we’re just students, we get bugger all!”
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Even students who have received their results are feeling “bittersweet”. One Exeter student said: “I’m happy with my results but can’t celebrate with my friends as none of them have their full set, even those on the same modules.”
This has left students seeing the situation as “unfair”, and those who initially “tried really hard to support the Union strikes” are now “turning […] against them.” Strikes are causing divisions between professors and students, when they should be united.
This feeling of being against the union strikes is only enhanced by those who see their marks as being “somewhat rushed”.
A third year law student told us they feel markers have “hit copy and paste on some feedbacks”, going on to claim that “some bits are identical and the marks are exactly the same.” Students feel marking that is “rushed” and “identical” is equally as bad as having no mark at all.
With all of this in mind, we wait to hear what the university will email on 10th July…
If you or anyone you know is struggling to cope with mental health due to the marking and assessment boycott, Exeter University has published welfare advice here.
A spokesperson for Exeter University said: “Due to the ongoing marking and assessment boycott, some students have faced delays in receiving all their marks at this time. We have great sympathy with those affected by these delays, and we are working tirelessly to ensure they receive their full set of marks as quickly as possible.
“We are committed to ensuring all marks are fair and accurate and will support students fully as they progress to the next stage of their academic life, or into employment. Students can also gain support and advice from the University’s Wellbeing Services across all of our campuses. We also encourage student who have questions about their results or specific assessments to speak to their Hub/InfoPoint, and if they have other questions, to contact industrialaction@
“We remain deeply disappointed that the UCU has imposed this national marking and assessment boycott over recent weeks, which has inevitably impacted on students. The University has worked with our local UCU branch to encourage national UCU and UCEA to pause the current action and to resume talks. ”
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