Every contestant on Channel 4’s Rise and Fall, ranked by how pure evil they truly are
Jack’s fall from grace needs to be studied
Rise and Fall has been blaring out of Channel 4 for long enough now for me to determine that this is one of the evilest casts of contestant across any reality TV show ever – the perfect time for me to get them all ranked by how truly evil they are. Considering I did the exact same for The Traitors, and Rise and Fall is the latest brainchild from the hive mind behind that hit show – it feels right to do the exact same here. May I present to thee: Every contestant on Channel 4’s Rise and Fall, ranked from least to most evil.
21. Joanna

Via Channel 4
Our fallen queen Joanna, who got struck off thanks to a dodgy foot before she got time to rise to the benevolent ruler status she was always destined for. We mourn her every day. Not evil at all, truly angelic.
20. Rishika

Via Channel 4
Justice for Rishika, the Jeremy Corbyn of Rise and Fall.
19. Isaak

via Channel 4
Get the Paralympian king of Wigan in that ruler penthouse NOW!
18. Matt

Via Channel 4
I, like everyone else, was sick of Matt being a ruler. But it turns out you don’t know what you’ve got til its gone – he was decent, get him back up there! A wise soul. Emotional, soft, not evil really – but still a touch of evil inside him that I can’t quite put my finger on.
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17. Sam
Excuse the worst picture on earth, but it’s all we can muster – I know literally nothing about Sam besides how hard she laughed at Ramona not getting any votes to rise, which whilst funny was certainly a slight evil.
16. Rachel

Via Channel 4
I like Rachel – she’s thriving in the basement as a grafter. As a ruler? Not evil, but useless. Most evil moment was how she shoved herself in the ruler penthouse lift on episode one. The streets forgive, but we do not forget.
15. Prince

Via Channel 4
Being this forgettable is simply evil.
14. Eddy

Via Channel 4
I quite like Eddy on the show but being so rich that you’re descended from one of Britain’s oldest aristocratic families, have 3,500 acres of land, a mile long drive way and live in a 15-20 bedroom gaff and then having the cheek to say the family has no money because it all goes into the estate… Evil. Pure evil. How about sell up?
13. Sydney

Via Channel 4
Would have once been ranked at the unevil end of Rise and Fall contestants, but has been corrupted by a certain someone!
12. Connor
A very in the middle of evil character. Sacrifices his beliefs and friendships to stay in the game, which I get but is also intrinsically evil behaviour. He’s been up, down, left, right and back again this one – it never ends.
11. Ali

Via Channel 4
Storming in and then back out again on day one is soooo evil. Albeit, a bit iconic.
10. Moses

Via Channel 4
Could be the best contestant in all of Rise and Fall, but he is evil and is being ranked in the top 10 because he has a huge fondness and allegiance for true evil incarnate. I cannot forgive that.
9. Joas
Just don’t like him, tbh.
8. James

Via Channel 4
For some reason truly believed he was god’s gift to this game. Thought all was alright with him though until he got a picture with evil incarnate and shared it on his Instagram story and his placement on Rise and Fall contestants ranked was sealed.
7. Rossi

Via Channel 4
At one point would have been at the bottom of this ranking, but after his behaviour in the last couple of episodes you can really see how much people and penthouses can make a villain out of someone. Hard nope!
6. Ramona

Via Channel 4
You’d be hard pressed to find someone I would like to live with less.
5. Cheryl

Via Channel 4
Cheryl is one of the rare exceptions to the general rule that all Scousers are iconic. A pointless ruler with a hell attitude and illogical choices made rashly and poorly across the entire series.
4. Marina

Via Channel 4
Proof that being an 18 year old from a very exclusive private boarding school with a posh accent truly is as annoying and out of touch as you’d expect!
3. Jeff

Via Channel 4
The snoring alone. That fucking snoring.
2. Jack

Via Channel 4
The way Jack started this show out as a charming everyman who was likeable and funny and then descended into a tyrannical leader who has convinced himself he’s won already, who then allowed to prize fund to fall so low because he was so committed to Sydney that he refused to change his mind and who THEN gaslit himself and everyone else in the penthouse that it was all Connor’s fault? Not since Macbeth have we seen a tragic fall from grace of a hero turned villain.
1. Sophie

Via Channel 4
I mean, just have a scroll of her Twitter.
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