Steps to escaping the money trap when choosing your major

Why choosing your college major based on interest, not money, will bring you real success

Things I’ve literally heard UCSB students say

Turns out we’re just a bunch of stereotypes

UCSB has yet again been named one of the best schools in America for college life

No one’s even a little surprised at this point

Why I’m proud of the UCSB community after last night’s protests

We’re taking a stand against hate

IV police have recieved a report of a man with a gun in the loop

Stay safe Gauchos

All the best pics from last night’s protests

People were burning mattresses in the street

Huge protest at UCSB after Trump wins presidency

Yeah we’re not happy with this one

Cup Noodle, Dwight Schrute and the Pope: The best of UCSB’s 2016 Halloween Costumes

A roundup of the best, wildest costumes seen

It’s finally happening at UCSB: Knife-wielding clown spotted in IV

2016’s oddest and scariest trend has now made its way over to IV

Meet the bros behind UCSB’s newest startup app

‘Just a couple college kids solving our own problem’

All the different girls you are on social media

One girl, five personas

Why my heart will always belong to Torrance

T-town, Borrance, the city that almost made it to Palos Verdes. Call it what you want, but it’s the heart of South Bay

UCSB is officially one of the best public schools in America

Is anyone surprised?

All schools should follow UChicago’s example on safe spaces

Lower your tuition and prepare kids for the real world with this one weird trick

Poll: Milo Yiannopoulos is coming back to UCSB, should he speak?

We want to know what you think

UCSB is the eighth happiest school in America

Here we go again Gauchos

If UCs were a country, we’d be one of the best Olympic teams in the world

Only four nations beat us

UCSB is the 114th best college in America, says Forbes

It’s better than you think