IV police have recieved a report of a man with a gun in the loop

Stay safe Gauchos

According to the IV foot patrol, there are alleged reports of a man with a gun in Isla Vista, near the loop.

Officers in Isla Vista are still trying to confirm the location of the alleged gun carrier who was spotted heading towards Del Playa.

The victim reported being threatened with the gun was a student who is now aiding the police in their investigation.

A sheriff confirmed to The Tab that it is an ongoing search for the alleged attacker.

It is not known at this time whether the gun was used as part of a robbery attempt.

4:19pm UPDATE: We’ve received reports from eye-witnesses that police have cleared from DP. The IV foot patrol have not given the official all clear.

4:27pm UPDATE: Students around DP have reported speaking to cops who told them that the area is now safe


UC Santa Barbara