Here’s what Halloween costume you should wear based on your York degree

Open up your wardrobe (and wallet) to make your best costume yet

With the fading leaves of Autumn, we welcome the most extravagant time of the year for celebrating students in York. No, it’s not graduation but Halloween of course! Now is the time to decide which classic costume to go for: cops, robbers, crayola pencils, the mystery Scooby-Doo gang? However, if you want to stand out this year, take a look at this list and see what I’ve suggested for you based on your degree! A degree does say a lot about a person…

English Literature – Mr Darcy or Mr Collins

I think that I stand with a lot of people when I say that I still haven’t recovered from the hand-flex of ’05. This costume would definitely be a standout amongst the usual cops and robbers costumes. The Mr Darcy costume is very easy to whip up since it includes a long blue or black coat, a white shirt, and green trousers. Plus, it does come with the added bonus of a few swoons from the ladies of the ton.

On the other hand, Mr Collins is the much needed comedic relief of Pride and Prejudice, since what he lacks in social skills, he more than makes up for in odd, poorly times compliments. Plus, your friends could go as a group of “excellent boiled potatoes” to complete a group costume to full effect. This is guaranteed a few laughs from anyone who has read the book or seen the numerous films.

If you’re wanting to dress a little more femme, it works for everyone, as I clearly figured out by accidentally cosplaying him. Whoops.

History – Plague doctor

Not only is this historically rooted, but I’d imagine it’d be terrifying to any half-drunk people you come across. However, it is scary season, so it should be expected. Plus, if you have any friends still battling freshers flu, I’m sure it’d cheer them up to see how supportive you are in their time of need. You’ll definitely stand out this year!

Biology – A cell

It may seem like a basic option, however, it isn’t as basic as the usual mad scientist costume that you find ten a penny in the shops. This way, when someone asks what you are, you can break it down and start telling them all about how the mitochondrion is the powerhouse of the cell.

“Did you know that your cell membranes are made of a phospholipid bilayer?”

Perfect pick up line. Why not go absolutely wild and be a prokaryote if you want something that requires a bit less effort? It also works as revision because lord knows you need to cram all that information in!

Computer science – Moss and Roy from IT Crowd

They’re an iconic duo, so this would have to be one you share with your course mates. They’re very easy costumes – you simply need a shirt, tie, chinos and glasses for Moss, and a t-shirt (preferably stained) and jeans for Roy. Bonus points because you can get some practice saying “have you tried turning it off and on again?” in preparation for the future.

Maths – An apple

For anyone taking Maths, this should be fairly obvious, or at least I’d hope so. Top tip: randomly fall down for added effect and wait for someone to get it.

Law – Elle Woods

Let’s be real, how many people enrolled to do Law because they’ve seen Suits or Legally Blonde? Elle Woods is a feminist icon, and her trademark pink attire is immaculate, so I understand the appeal. Her costume is also fairly easy to replicate. What, like it’s hard? You simply need a blonde wig and a full pink outfit to be set. If you want to go the extra mile you could get a plushie dog as a stand in for Bruiser and carry it in your bag all night, but I think she’s recognisable without.

Film and TV production – Maverick and Goose

Another duo costume, and while this may be a bit niche *cough cough, it’s not, cough* for some it remains a tried-and-true costume since Top Gun first came out in 1986. It’s essentially immediately recognisable with the green canvas jumpsuit and aviator sunglasses, especially as the new Top Gun: Maverick only came out a couple years ago.

Finance – Patrick Bateman

Oh, the annual right of passage for finance bros everywhere to dress up as Patrick Bateman, whilst missing the actual point of American Psycho, is upon us once more. While he may be a murderer, he has become an icon of the horror genre, possibly on par with Ghostface himself, purely for his suave style, stoic manner and dance to Hip to Be Square. It’s likely that if you take finance, you’ll have at least one suit, so this costume shouldn’t be too tricky to pull together. Plus, if you need a quick escape from the club or party you’re at, you can just say “I have to return some video tapes” and walk straight out.

Have fun costuming and Happy Halloween York!

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